• 締切済み


1.エロく生きるのが私のモットー。 (エロチックorセクシーな感じ) 2.痛みは強さに変わる。 3.負けない心 貫く心 信じる心 ニュアンスが合ってれば 文章が多少変わってもかまいません。 よろしくお願いします!



I love the previous answer by No.1. It was so good. And here's mine. 1.エロく生きるのが私のモットー。 "I can live by sex appeal alone." The famous one would be: "Man cannot live by bread alone..." sez Jesus. 2.痛みは強さに変わる。 "Endurance builds character strong." This is a bit like an old textbook saying, but I bet almost everyone in the United States would understand what this means. Endurance means 痛みに耐えぬくこと. Character means, as you people know, キャラ. 3.負けない心 貫く心 信じる心 "Resilience, Focus, (and) Faith." (You can omit "and" between words because this is a "motto" and doesn't have to be a complete sentence.) They may not sound familiar to you but these are very common words in everyday English we speak. Resilience means your ability to remain strong after something really bad happens. Focus is "sticking to your style or belief" and that means "貫く"and "ブレない" just like the 村長 character in the AUTB(荒川アンダーザブリッジ). Faith means holding true to your belief. Make your mottos "kudos"! Cheers from New York


1. im a prostitute 2. im a masochist 3. im positive haha try yourself first, then ask if yours are good