• ベストアンサー


1ケチと倹約家は違う 2 そのイベントの当日一緒にいれないことは理解できても、すぐに実家に帰る事はどうしても理解出来ませんでした。その2ー3日の為に私には高いチケットを払えっていうの? 3 私なりにあなたの夢を叶えるために少しでも協力できることはしてきたし、本当に大事に思ってきたけれど、貴方が最低限の事も出来ないならもう難しいと思った。 何事もギブアンドテイクだよ。 4 自分を正当化したい気持ちはわかる。あなたの気持ちや状態も分かった。でも残念ながらあまりにもひどすぎると思う。それが理解できないなら、誰とも付き合えないと思うよ。 スミマセンよろしくお願いします。


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)

1. Being a frugal person is different from being a stringy person. 2. I could understand that we could not be together on the day of the event, but could not understand going home right away. Are you saying I should buy an expensive ticket just for the few days? 3. In my way I have been trying to see that your dream come true, but if you cannot do even a minimum effort (to accommodate my plans) I have reached my limit. Everything must be on a give-and-take basis. 4. I can understand your wish to justify yourself. I see how you feel and what state you are in. But I have to say you are a sorry sight. If you don't get it. I think you may have no friends who pays any attention to you.   ギブアンドテイクなら、相手の都合と、ご自分の都合の両方を並べ、それに向かってお互いどれだけ譲歩したかを、比べるのが普通なので括弧の中の言葉を足しました。不要でしたら削ってください。

その他の回答 (1)

  • takotoika
  • ベストアンサー率45% (16/35)

The mean and the thrifty are different. I understanded that I can not went to the event together, but did not that I went back to my parents' home soon. Must I pay for that expensive ticket to spend a few days? I did my best to realize your dream and cherish it.Hoever, if you do not do even something minimum, it is impossible for your dream to come true. I understand your feeing to justify yourself and also your situation. However, I'm afraid it is too bad. If you do not understand it, you will get along with nobody. 参考にでもなれば幸いです。