- ベストアンサー
- 私達の将来の姿を考えましょう。貴方との関係にはどんなプランがありますか?赤ん坊をどう育てるつもりですか?私と赤ん坊は貴方の国へ行くのでしょうか?それとも別々に暮らすことになるのでしょうか?私達は愛情のない結婚をするのですか?それとも私が一人で赤ん坊を育てることになるのですか?これらのことを考えなければ、私達は結論を出せません。
- 貴方への返信に誠意が感じられますが、具体的な考えがわからないと困っています。私たちが結婚する場合、赤ん坊が産まれる前に解決しなければならない問題もあります。理解していますか?
- 私の将来の計画について考えてください。妊娠を話し合うことは止めてください。妊娠は望んでいれば簡単にできるものではありません。私の元彼は他の女性との関係で子供をもうけましたが、浮気をして他の人とも子供を持っています。私たちの家庭が同じような状況になる可能性もあるので、具体的なプランを話し合う必要があります。
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
今度こそきちんと伝わることを祈っています。 "I have read your mail. Firstly of all I would like to thank you deeply for your consideration towards making money on behalf of myself and for the coming baby. Having that said, I must tell you that there are separate issues that still need your attention. You said that I should give birth to the baby, but then what kind of parents will we be? Do you want me and the baby to come to your country, or are you prepared to live in Japan? Or will the child be raised with his/her parents separated permanently? Will we be having a marriage without love and affection? Or am I to have a baby and raise the child without being married? I have told you in my last mail that I don't want to raise the baby as a single mother FOR THE BABY'S SAKE. If we are to have a superficial marriage without love, and that each of us is to have a lover separately, what will our child think when he/she is faced with this fact? Is this your idea of a family? Were your parents like that...fostering a child while having a lover on the side? Do you think that is realistic? I also explained in the last mail that if we are to get married, IT HAS TO BE DONE BEFORE THE BABY IS BORN, because of the various legal issues. Did you not understand that? Please don't get me wrong. I did feel that your reply was faithful. However, it was too vague and I still do not understand exactly, what your ideas are. Unless we can clear these obstacles, I cannot reach a conclusion. Also, please do not imagine for a moment that I became pregnant so as to tie you down. You cannot get pregnant just because you want to, you know. It is not that convenient. I must tell you that I was hurt by your words. My former boyfriend, after I left him, had a woman get pregnant. You know that he married her to take the responsibility. I have no idea whether he is now happy or not, but what I do know is that he later had an affair with another woman and that he let her get pregnant too, and let her have a baby. I do not want to have a baby if we are going to be like that. A family like that is not qualified to have a baby. It will only provide a unhappy environment for the baby to grow in. Please do not misunderstand me. I am not condemning you, nor am I being sarcastic. I just want to clarify all these issues before making a decision, because I know marriage and raising a child is not as simple as it seems. I realize that I am not the only one suffering and in distress...you must be too. I do not want to kill the baby, but I cannot arrive at a final decision unless I can see a plan that is a little more concrete. I therefore need your reply that is more specific and down-to-earth."
cbm51901さま 前回も、お世話になりました。ありがとうございます。 前回のIDとパスワードがわからなかったので 急いで新しいアカウントを作って投稿しました。 この英訳を使わせていただきます。助かります。。。(><)