• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:大至急!すみません、英訳をお願いします!!)


  • 日本には戸籍制度があり、子供が生まれた時に父親の認知がなければ私生児として登録されます。子供が認知されても私生児のレコードは残り、将来結婚や就職に影響するかもしれません。子供の国籍は子供自身が選ぶ権利があります。
  • 私はあなたの罵倒には関心がなく、前向きな話し合いをしたいと考えています。あなたの罵倒はお腹の赤ちゃんにも届いていることを知っていますか?中絶の場合は時間が重要であり、医療費も高額です。私は急いで話し合いたいと思っています。
  • 私はたくさんのお金が必要で、通院代や妊婦の食事代を支払わなければなりません。Viberを使って通話料金を節約したいです。子供に対する責任を取るかどうかを話し合いたいと思います。もしあなたが子供の親としての責任を望まないのなら、はっきり言ってください。中絶を望まないなら冷静な話し合いに応じて欲しいです。


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

"I will talk only facts regarding my pregnancy. In Japan, we have a family register system. When a child is born, he/she will be registered as an illegitimate child unless the father acknowledge that he/she is his child. Acknowledging as being the father after the child is born does not help: the child's record will remain as illegitimate. Because Japanese people in general pay attention to external state of things, a child registered as illegitimate may find it disadvantageous for future marriage and for future employment, if the child decides to obtain Japanese nationality. The child has the right to chose his/her nationality. I want you to think over this fact. Single mothers are not as common in Japan as they are in the U.S. By the way your condemnations mean nothing to me. Even if you think I am crazy, and untrustworthy, can we not sit on the same table and discuss? Do you not realize that all your condemnations are heard by the baby in my womb? Do you want your own baby to hear all your bad words thrown to its mother? I am in a hurry because I am running out of time if I am to have an abortion. In carrying out abortion, a difference only a few days will substantially influence the burden. on the mother's condition. Abortion is also very costly as health insurance does not apply. It is more expensive than buying a return ticket to the U.S. The cost for the operation increases by the day. That is why I am in a hurry to have a talk with you directly. You said that you don't want abortion, but if that is the case, it is not the time for you to be abusive. What we should be doing is to keep our minds cool and discuss what is the best solution. From now on I will be needing a lot of money. Hospital fee, meal costs, etc. Do you still find it strange that I wish to install a call-free Viber such that I will be able to save telephone cost? I want to save money any way I can. If you have no intention to take the child's responsibility, please clearly say so. If you wish not to kill the baby, I only hope that you agree to a cool-headed discussion."



cbm51901さん 長文にもかかわらず、ほぼ私のつたえたいことを確実に訳してくださり ありがとうございました。相手にも確実に伝わると思います。 あとは相手の誠意を信じるのみです。どうもありがとうございました。

その他の回答 (1)


  In fact, I talk about my pregnancy. Japan has the system called the family register. When a child was born, the child is registered as a bastard without the recognition of father. The record which was a bastard stays even if I recognize you after a child was born when I was born. When because I minded appearance, as for the Japanese, a child born as a bastard became 16 years old It may be the future against marriage and finding employment when I choose the Japanese nationality. I have a right to choose the nationality as a child. I want you to think about there. There are not yet many single mothers in Japan like U.S.A. Then, for me, your abuse does not matter. I may be untrustworthy with the crazy, but do not do more forward talks? Does all your abuse know that the baby of the stomach hears it? Do you want to tell one's child abuse for mother? The reason why I hurry is that I am running out of time if I have an abortion. When she has an abortion, the burden on mother is different by the delay of only few days. The abortion is very expensive to miss it because medical insurance is not applied. It is high than I buy a coming and going ticket to U.S.A. The operation expense rises so that a day passes. Therefore I want to talk hastily. If you said that I do not expect the abortion, but it is the real intention Do you abuse it? Is not it most important that I discuss what I should do as a parent of the children calmly? I need much money from now on. Going to hospital charges and meal charges of the pregnant woman. For these, it is said that I install Viber of the call free of charge and want to be able to float telephone bill Few want to save money whether my demand is strange. Please say so clearly if I do not mean to take the responsibility for the child. I pray for accepting calm talks if I expect it when I do not want to murder a child  



さっそくの英訳をありがとうございました!とても助かりました! ひとつ、確認したいのですが 「子供の責任を取る気がないならはっきりそう言って下さい。 子供を殺したくないと言うなら、冷静な話し合いに応じて下さい。」 の部分は、相手に対して言いたいことなので 「Please say so clearly if I do not mean to take the responsibility for the child. I pray for accepting calm talks if I expect it when I do not want to murder a child」 を、 「Please say so clearly if "you" do not mean to take the responsibility for the child. I pray for accepting calm talks if "you" expect it when "you" do not want to murder a child」 I → youに変換して、間違いないでしょうか?