sign off
DEAR ABBY: I have an etiquette question about differences in time zones. My son is currently serving in the military overseas, and there is a 14-hour time difference. My question is: When we talk to him on the phone before we go to bed, do we tell him good night, even though it is morning or early afternoon for him? -- DIFFERENT TIME ZONES
DEAR DIFFERENT TIME ZONES: Because you are in a zone in which it is night, it's only natural that you would say good night before signing off.
ここでのsign offはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします
事情によりsign()を学べなかったのですが互換もよく把握出来てなかったみたいです わかりやすい解説で何とか理解出来ました ありがとうございました