• ベストアンサー


僕はリスニングの勉強をしているのですが、宇多田さんのファンでもありまして 彼女がアメリカのラジオ?にでたときの会話で練習してみたいのですが 下記の動画を書き起こせる方、是非ご記入おねがいできないでしょうか??? お願いします!!>< Utada Hikaru - Jackie and Bender https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DluZuSHC3zk


  • ベストアンサー
  • tourist2
  • ベストアンサー率41% (14/34)

前半の3分程度です。 私もリスニングを勉強している日本人ですが、なかなか難しいですね。 聞き取れない箇所はXXとしました。 So now you sound surprised that you have fans in Seattle? I don't really have. I'm just surprised wherever I go I have fans. I've never got used to it. Because I don't feel like a star at all. That's strange because I write your stats today. OK let's me go over through your stats you are refill. 52 million albums sold, twelve number one hits. And they describe you one of the biggest pop stars in the Universe. In the Universe? Yes, in all the galaxies, I'm famous. It's amazing. Are your twenty-six? Yeah. You are so young. It's got to be a bit overwhelming. Where she come here if it's kind of weird cheated things people are in Seattle breaking out you are in here ? What other countries are you huge in. You know I mean like --- . I know I'm really famous in Asian countries. I got XX walking to Thai restaurant in America, and get noticed by the people that work there, kind of things. Tourists from Europe noticed me. Oh, you are famous in Europe. Amazing. But I've never been there. Isn't that weird? It's where that I'm famous in Japan. Gosh. People have been going crazy this morning. I am honored. And I put the music again and we hit talk with I was really familiar with you. And I would put all music again and we will take phone calls this morning. And she is the Mariah Carey in Japan. She is huge. Then of course a little while ago, Brit your producer comes over she goes, three XX she pulled up, and body guards are thrown the people and XX. I think she is coming in. XXXXXXXX I think it might be a bit dramatic. I was impressed. Checked out her. You are so normal though. Yes, I'am. I'm just normal. Text messages are coming in the for 1061. Love do Utari in Kingdom Hearts. But I loved her singles collection too. Yeah I did a song for big game called Kingdom Hearts. At the game done with the team of Final Fantasie series Disney. And I think that was that's known for the add. That's the e-mails I got. People said they first found out by you from, see you in the game. Simple and clean probably I think.



長文ありがとうございます!!!!>< たすかります><! リスニングは大変で困ってます・・・^^; でも、これがスラスラきければすごい上達したということになると思ってがんばってますw 生の会話ですし、表情や笑いのシーンなどが好きでぜひともがんばっていきたいです! ご解答ありがとうございました^^


その他の回答 (1)





おおお こんな機能があったんですね!!! 大変参考になりました!! ありがとうございます!!!

