• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文に翻訳願います。宜しくお願い致します。)


  • 私は涙を流しながら過去のメールを見て、このメールを書いています。
  • 去年の7月、あなたは就労ビザの申告を約束してくれましたが、実行されませんでした。私は1月に学生ビザの申告をしようとしましたが、同様に実行されませんでした。
  • 私は9ヶ月間日本に滞在し、友人を失い、家族との関係も悪化しています。私はもう待てないので、4月4日にロサンゼルスに旅立ちます。ロサンゼルスに戻る予定はありませんが、再びあなたに会いたいと心から思っています。


  • ベストアンサー

I am writing this e-mail to you. And I am crying by reading your e-mail which you send me previously. I am not going to blame you that is because you took care of me so much. Hardly that I can not forgive was that you said you are going to publish a working visa for me last July which had not done yet. Then I tryed to get student visa last Janurary which had failed as well. As you can see I am staying Japan for 9 month and during these time I have lost so many friends and been not good condition with my family. So what I have decided, I will fly to L.A. on 4th of April. I really want to stay in your house with you but it is not willing to do because you are coming back to L.A. with your family. I got an e-mail from Tom yesterday and said "Are you coming to L.A. this year?" You know what, he thinks I am not going back there anymore. Also Leo said to me that Kav comes Japan this April. He thinks I am going to stay in Japan in the future as well. Every my friend in Japan thinks I am not going back too. As I told you before, my life in Japan is like a hell. horrible and miserable thing. But if I am facing same distiny of death, I chose L.A. to die. I do not know when you come back to L.A. but I really would like to meet you there again. The problem is I only have got money which I probably can survive about 40days. Ofcourse I will try to find a job to work and earn money for my life, I know how hard it is. If I could not find any job to work, lost my home, I am not going back to Japan. I look foward to see you again in L.A. The onething I regrat about my self is that I did not stay L.A. last year even it was overstayed. I think I should stay there. My life in Japan is really really bad. なにがあったかわかりませんが、お仕事頑張ってみつけてください! そこまで逢いに行きたい人がいるなんて素敵ですね。


