- ベストアンサー
- During breakfast-time,I asked my wife,Are you going to the hospital today? My wife said,No,I won't. I agreed her answer calmly.
- My wife adviced to me buy a new PC,but I answered her, If this PC perfectly broken ,then I will buy,but it is still working!
- To think of the hospital payment,I can not buy a new PC in my situation.
- みんなの回答 (2)
- 専門家の回答
1 嫁さんと朝ごはん食べながら「今日病院行くの?」って聞いたら「いや、今日は行かない」と言ったのでオレはポツリと「そうか・・」と言った。 While eating breakfast, I asked my wife, "Are you going to the hospital today?". "No I am not," she replied." "I see." I muttered. 2 嫁さんはパソコン新しいの買っていいよ!って言ってくれたけど、完全に壊れるまで時間かかっても立ち上がるからいらないよ!と言った。 My wife suggested that I buy a new PC, but I told her, "Even if it takes time to boot up, I don't need a new one as long as it works." 3 病院代のことを考えると新しいパソコンを買うような状況じゃないもんなあ(独り言) I don't have the luxury to buy a new PC considering the medical fees. 4 ご飯を食べながら家内が、調子の悪い時は味がわかんないと言った。 While having breakfast, my wife told me that when she is not well, she loses her sense of taste. 5 生ゴミを嫁さんが知らないうちに捨ててきて、部屋に戻ってきて苦しそうに息をしていた。 なんで、こんな調子がわるいのにゴミなんか捨てに行く?玄関の前に置いておけばオレが捨てるのにと思った。 Before I knew, my wife had taken out the burnable garbage, and she was back in her room gasping for breath. I said to my self, "Why did she take out the garbage when she is so unwell? All she had to do is to leave the garbage at the door. I would then take it out myself."
その他の回答 (1)
- sayshe
- ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)
1. When I asked my wife over breakfast, "Are you going to the hospital today?", she said to me, "No, I'm not". I said, "Uh-huh", 2. My wife told me that I could buy a new PC, but I told her that I would not need a new one until my present PC completely broke down even if it took a while to get started. 3. When I think about the cost of medical treatment, we are in no situation to be able to buy a new PC. 4. My wife told me that she loses sense of taste when she is not well. 5. My wife took out the garbage before I noticed it. She was gasping when she came back. I wondered why she had taken out the garbage in spite of such a bad health condition. I would take it out if she put it in front of the door.
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