- ベストアンサー
1、彼は執念深い性格だ。 2、うぬぼれているわけではないが、少なからず自分の韓国語には自信がある。 3、悪口ではないかもしれないが、彼が言ったことは私の欠点ほのめかしている。 4、仕事を家に持ち帰らなければならない。 5、決め付けて物事を言うのは止めてほしい。 6、人それぞれ受け止め方が違う。けなされても励みにして頑張る人もいれば、欠点を指摘されただ落ち込むだけの人がいる。 たくさんあって申し訳ありませんが、英語訳をお願いします。
- みんなの回答 (3)
- 専門家の回答
1. He never gives up easily. 2. I'm a bit confident about my Korean while I know I should not parade myself. 3. Although he didn't mean to abuse me, what he said implies my weak points. 4. I still have to do some of my jobs at home. 5. Don't jump to your own conclusions. 6. Everyone accepts negative comments on his own way. Some listen to them as an encouragement for what they are doing while others just feel depressed because the comments hit on their sore points.
その他の回答 (2)
- ID10T5
- ベストアンサー率31% (732/2312)
No.2です。考え事しながら書いていたのでミスりました。一つだけ訂正。 >>1. He never gives up easily. >>2. I'm a bit confident about my Korean while I know I should not parade myself. >>3. Although he didn't mean to abuse me, what he said implies my weak points. >>4. I still have to do some of my jobs at home. >>5. Don't jump to your own conclusions. >>6. Everyone accepts negative comments on his own way. Some listen to them as an encouragement for what they are doing while others just feel depressed because the comments hit on their sore points. 6.は Everyone accepts negative comments in[onでない] his own way. Some listen to them as an encouragement for what they are doing while others just feel depressed because the comments hit on their sore points. でした。失礼。
- 2181
- ベストアンサー率24% (652/2691)