• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:何度もすいません(>_<)英語に直してください!!)


  • 私はあと1ヶ月以内に中絶しなければなりません。私はあなたを待っていたいけど待つことができません。
  • もしあなたの子じゃなかった時には中絶できないかもしれない。私はこの子を産んであげたいですが、私の母も誰も私に協力しないでしょう。
  • 私は今回沢山考えたけど諦めます。私は今までの自分の行動にとても悔やんでます。


  • ベストアンサー
  • qualheart
  • ベストアンサー率41% (1451/3486)

I have to go for an abortion within one month. I want to wait for you but I cannot. If I could know that my baby was not yours, I wouldn't have an abortion. I wanted my baby to be born. But my mother or anyone would not help me. Who feels left out is my baby, for no one celebrates the birth and there is no father. My baby would not feel happy even if he would be born. I thought a lot, and I decided to let go of my baby. I'm kicking myself for what I have done. I feel really sorry for you too. I went a hospital and saw my baby today He has hands and legs. He is growing healthy. I really feel sorry for my baby. I will be admitted to a hospital on next monday and have an abortion. I will hand the necklace back to you. I don't have a qualification to be with you because I was with an another man when you were not here.


