- 締切済み
There are 15 questions in this section. For each question, select the word that is unnecessary. 31. I like listening to music on my way to home after school. Please choose... 1. I 2. like 3. listening 4. to 5. music 6. on 7. my 8. way 9. to 10. home 11. after 12. school. 32. Even the cheapest house costs as the equivalent of 10 years' salary. Please choose... 1. Even 2. the 3. cheapest 4. house 5. costs 6. as 7. the 8. equivalent 9. of 10. 10 11. years' 12. salary. 33. She's much more busier now she has some responsibility at work. Please choose... 1. She's 2. much 3. more 4. busier 5. now 6. she 7. has 8. some 9. responsibility 10. at 11. work. 34. Everybody thinks they are much different from everyone else. Please choose... 1. Everybody 2. thinks 3. they 4. are 5. much 6. different 7. from 8. everyone 9. else. 35. When we were at first married, we lived in a tiny little flat. Please choose... 1. When 2. we 3. were 4. at 5. first 6. married, 7. we 8. lived 9. in 10. a 11. tiny 12. little 13. flat. 36. The airport train was delayed and their plane had been taken off when they finally got there. Please choose... 1. The 2. airport 3. train 4. was 5. delayed 6. and 7. their 8. plane 9. had 10. been 11. taken 12. off 13. when 14. they 15. finally 16. got 17. there. 37. I suggest you to telephone later. She's gone to a meeting. Please choose... 1. I 2. suggest 3. you 4. to 5. telephone 6. later. 7. She's 8. gone 9. to 10. a 11. meeting. 38. A weight-loss drug has been discovered newly and should be on sale next year. Please choose... 1. A 2. weight-loss 3. drug 4. has 5. been 6. discovered 7. newly 8. and 9. should 10. be 11. on 12. sale 13. next 14. year. 39. I'm writing for finding more information about the job you advertised. Please choose... 1. I'm 2. writing 3. for 4. finding 5. more 6. information 7. about 8. the 9. job 10. you 11. advertised. 40. Did you remember to get a bread while you were at the shops? Please choose... 1. Did 2. you 3. remember 4. to 5. get 6. a 7. bread 8. while 9. you 10. were 11. at 12. the 13. shops? 41. I spend a lot more money on clothes than I am used to when I was younger. Please choose... 1. I 2. spend 3. a 4. lot 5. more 6. money 7. on 8. clothes 9. than 10. I 11. am 12. used 13. to 14. when 15. I 16. was 17. younger. 42. We've decided to relax ourselves at home in front of the TV tonight. Please choose... 1. We've 2. decided 3. to 4. relax 5. ourselves 6. at 7. home 8. in 9. front 10. of 11. the 12. TV 13. tonight. 43. The president will be working hardly to raise support for his economic policies before the coming election. Please choose... 1. The 2. president 3. will 4. be 5. working 6. hardly 7. to 8. raise 9. support 10. for 11. his 12. economic 13. policies 14. before 15. the 16. coming 17. election. 44. Fires are dangerous because the first time people who experience them it is often the real thing and then it's too late. Please choose... 1. Fires 2. are 3. dangerous 4. because 5. the 6. first 7. time 8. people 9. who 10. experience 11. them 12. it 13. is 14. often 15. the 16. real 17. thing 18. and 19. then 20. it's 21. too 22. late. 45. It was an absolutely exciting game, and the players were totally exhausted afterwards. Please choose... 1. It 2. was 3. an 4. absolutely 5. exciting 6. game, 7. and 8. the 9. players 10. were 11. totally 12. exhausted 13. afterwards.
- みんなの回答 (1)
- 専門家の回答
- B-juggler
- ベストアンサー率30% (488/1596)
えっと、15問全部移したの? 大変だねぇ~。 だけど答えるわけにも行かない。 あなたの意見がないんですね。いわゆる丸投げなものですから。 自分はこうだと思うんだけど、どうでしょう? という形にしてもらえるかな? クイーンズ使いだから、ちょっとこたえたい気持ちはあるけど、 これは少し・・・。 軽く考え方だけ。 I like listening to music on my way to home after school. 絶対に必要なもの。たくさんあるね、迷うとしても2か3択だと思うけど。 主語はどけられないね、動詞も無理だね、動名詞も無理だ、目的語も無理、 帰り道、どこそこへの、いつの、これ全部どけられないね。 1個ぱっと目が行かない? 動名詞になっているから あとに to はいらない。 あっいけね。 こんな風に、投げるんじゃなくて、ちゃんと自分で見ましょう! m(_ _)m
おっしゃるとおりです。 以降、気をつけます。 何とかupper intermediateのクラスに入ることが出来ました。 回答ありがとうございました。