• 締切済み


趣味で英語の勉強をしています。 赤毛のアンの原本を読みたいのですが最初のここで躓いて先に進めません 自然のことを言ってるのはわかるのですが(家の周りのこととか)どう訳していいかわかりません。 どなたかわかる方ぜひよろしくお願いします。 Rachel Lynde lived just where the Avonlea main road dipped down into a little hollow, fringed with alders and ladies' eardrops and traversed by a brook that had its source away back in the woods of the old Cuthbert place; it was reputed to be an intricate, headlong brook in its earlier course through those woods, with dark secrets of pool and cascade; but by the time it reached Lynde's Hollow it was a quiet, well-conducted little stream, for not even a brook could run past Mrs. Rachel Lynde's door without due regard for decency and decorum; it probably was conscious that Mrs. Rachel was sitting at her window, keeping a sharp eye on everything that passed, from brooks and children up, and that if she noticed anything odd or out of place she would never rest until she had ferreted out the whys and wherefores thereof. There are plenty of people in Avonlea and out of it, who can attend closely to their neighbor's business by dint of neglecting their own; but Mrs. Rachel Lynde was one of those capable creatures who can manage their own concerns and those of other folks into the bargain. She was a notable housewife; her work was always done and well done; she "ran" the Sewing Circle, helped run the Sunday-school, and was the strongest prop of the Church Aid Society and Foreign Missions Auxiliary. Yet with all this Mrs. Rachel found abundant time to sit for hours at her kitchen window, knitting "cotton warp" quilts--she had knitted sixteen of them, as Avonlea housekeepers were wont to tell in awed voices--and keeping a sharp eye on the main road that crossed the hollow and wound up the steep red hill beyond. Since Avonlea occupied a little triangular peninsula jutting out into the Gulf of St. Lawrence with water on two sides of it, anybody who went out of it or into it had to pass over that hill road and so run the unseen gauntlet of Mrs. Rachel's all-seeing eye.



回答ではなくて申し訳ないのですが、まずはカテゴリー違いでは。 英文の翻訳なら、英語のカテゴリーの方がその道の方が多数いらっしゃるはず。 そちらの方が詳しく解説してくれると思います。 また、『赤毛のアン』でしたら、翻訳本は多数出ていますし、研究書・解説書の類もいくつもあるはずです。 そういうのを参考になさった方がいいのでは? こちらにはもちろん詳しい方が多数いらっしゃいますし、比較的間違った回答が少ないサイトではありますが、必ずしも回答がつくとは限りませんし、それが“正解”かどうかも分かりません。 既存の研究成果をまずは参考になさって、さらに分からないところはこちらで質問する、といった形の方が実りあると思います。 老婆心切ながら。



ありがとうございました。 いろいろ調べてみます。