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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:domonstrateを説明(2)(*´ェ`*))

How to Demonstrate Your Love to Your Parents, Brothers, and ○○?

  • I give them gifts at every birthday. As my parents get older, I sometimes give them shoulder massages. Since I don't live with my family, I worry about them and call them sometimes. I live with ○○ and I cook homemade packed lunch for ○○ everyday. I also kiss ○○ in the morning and before bed.
  • I show my love to my parents and brothers in various ways. For example, I give them gifts on their birthdays and sometimes give them shoulder massages. Since I don't live with them, I make an effort to call them and show my concern. With my ○○, I prepare homemade packed lunches every day and start and end the day with a loving kiss.
  • Demonstrating love to my parents and brothers is important to me. I express my love through birthday gifts, shoulder massages, and phone calls. Despite not living together, I make an effort to stay connected. Living with ○○ allows me to show my love through preparing daily homemade lunches and showing affection with morning and evening kisses.


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51910
  • ベストアンサー率60% (460/762)

(1)I give them gifts at every theirs birthday. 毎年彼らにお誕生日プレゼントっを送るよ。 → Every year I give them birthday gifts. → 毎年彼らにお誕生日プレゼントを送るよ。 (2)As my parents get older, they get run down, so I sometimes give them shoulder massage. 親は歳をとるにつれて体が弱るから、時々肩もみをするよ。 → When my parents look tired, I sometimes give them shoulder massage.. → 親が疲れている様子を見せているとき、時々肩もみをするよ。 (3)And I don’t live close together, so I sometimes call that is why I worry about my parents and my brothers. また、私は家族と一緒に住んでいないから、心配だから時々電話するよ。 → And as I don't live with my family, I sometimes call them and speak with my parents and with my brothers to tell them that I am doing fine. → また、私は家族と一緒に住んでいないので、時々電話して両親や兄弟と話して、私が元気でやっていることを伝えるよ。 (4)I live with ○○, so I cook madehand packed lunch for ○○ everyday. ○○と一緒に住んでいるから毎日手作りのお弁当を作っているよ。 → I live with my boyfriend ○○, so I prepare a handmade packed lunch for him everyday. It's always flavored with my love ! → 私は彼氏の○○と一緒に住んでいるから毎日手作りのお弁当を作っているよ。いつも私の愛情が調味料だよ! (5)Also I kiss ○○ morning, and good night. おはようのキスとおやすみのキスを彼にするよ。 → Also I give ○○ a morning kiss and a good night kiss every day. → それからおはようのキスとおやすみのキスを彼にするよ。 (○○は彼氏です。) ご馳走様でした!



cbm51910様。 いつも分かりやすくおしえてくださってありがとうございます。 感謝致しております。 ごちそうさまでしたとは・・・照れてしまいますアハハ。。。 英語のお勉強頑張ってペラペラに話せるようになりたいです! ありがとうございました!