A.Waleyの『 TALE OF GENJI 』 (帚木 The Broom-Tree)から
『 When she decided on this step she was perfectly sincere and had not the slightest intention of ever returning to the world. Then some female friend hears of it and ”Poor thing,” she cries; ”in what an agony of mind must she have been to do this !” and visits her in her cell. 』
”in what an agony of mind must she have been to do this !”・・・・・
ここは she must have been to do this in what an agony of mind.ですか?
(she must have been to do this in a 【great】 agony of mind.)・・・・?
must have been ・・・・ここの「must be」は「~に違いない」?
been to do~・・・ここの「be+to不定詞」は「予定」ですか?
「~to do this」は前回の「尼僧院に入ること」ですか?「She becomes more lugubrious than ever, and finally enters a nunnery.」(前回の文より)
『 When the husband, who has never ceased to mourn for her, hears what she has become, he bursts into tears, and some servant or old nurse, seeing this, bustles off to the nunnery with tales of the husband's despair, and ”Oh Madam, what a shame, what a shame !”』
who has never ceased to mourn for her・・・・彼女が家を出て行ったことを嘆き続けていたということですか?
bustles off・・・・せわしく動き回る?夫の絶望の話を持って修道院へ急き立てられるように向かうということですか?
what a shame・・・・辞書に「あんまりだ」と載っていたのですが、「なんて恥ずかしい事!」という直訳になるのでしょうか?
『 Then the nun, forgetting wherer and what she is, raises her hand to her head to straighten her hair, and finds that it has been shorn away. In helpless misery she sinks to the floor, and do what she will, the tears begin to flow. 』
raises her hand to her head to straighten her hair,・・・・「raises」は手を頭に触れてみる感じですか?
do what she will・・・・・どうしても?(どんなことをしても?)
what she will doが元の形ですか?(彼女がしようとすること?)