• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:教ええてください。)


  • 学校にvisaの確認をしたら、来年3月まで滞在できるそうです。
  • でも経済的な問題もあるので、いつまで滞在できるかまだわからないけど、考えます。
  • 下手な英語ですみませんが、直してください。


  • ベストアンサー

I'm correcting the English sentences you wrote rather than translating from the Japanese. There are always multiple ways to translate from one language to another and best to stick with the way you do it ^^ "I asked school staff about my visa, she said that I can stay in here until 1 March next year." The following are all correct: 1. I asked the school about my visa and they said that I can stay until the 1st of March, next year. (Here asking the school implies that you asked someone at the school who knew the answer to your question) 2. I asked the school staff about my visa and they said that I can stay until the 1st of March, next year. (this is more specific but obviously you would ask the staff at the school and not the students so it is not needed) 3. I asked a school staff member about my visa and she said that I can stay until the 1st of March, next year. (more specific again, this time you are making it clear you asked an individual and you can then refer to them as he/she) now for the next one: "I have to think about my living expenses so I don't know yet if I can stay or not until when." This would be better: "I have to think about my living expenses, so I don't know how long I can stay for yet."



Thank you for improving my English, it helped me a lot!

その他の回答 (1)

  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

I asked school staff about my visa, she told me that I could stay here untill March 1 next year. But due to my financial problems, I don't know how long I can stay and now I'm kicking around. とされると、より日本語のニュアンスに近付くかと思います。



どうも有難うございました。'kicking around'も初めて知り、勉強になりました。