• 締切済み


みなさんはじめまして。メールマガジンの読者の方からこんな質問が来ました。 by the by と by the wayの違いについて教えてください。 私はわからないので、知り合いのネイティブ聞きましたが、 もし本で調べるとなるとこういった質問で役に立つ本は何がありますか。 洋書でもかまわないのですが、できれば和書で、何か良い本はありますか。



by the by http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/by_the_by used to introduce a new topic By the bye http://www.thefreedictionary.com/by+the+bye introducing a different topic; in point of fact; "incidentally, I won't go to the party" http://www.answers.com/topic/by-the-bye Also, by the by. Incidentally, in passing, as in By the bye, my wife is coming too, or Exactly where do you live, by the by? The bye or second by in this term originally meant "a side path," whence the current sense of "off the track" or "of secondary importance." [Early 1500s] Also see by the way. by the way, ところで  
