• ベストアンサー


適切な言い回しがわからなくて頭がこんがらがってきてしまいました。 すみません、またどなたか力を貸してください。 ()の中は訳さなくて結構です。どうかよろしくお願いします。 「 このブログ読んでくれてて有難う。たまにしか書かないのにね。 沢山メールが来るの。ごめんね、全てに返しきれない。 物凄く忙しくって。大きな仕事沢山沢山かかえてるの。 秋まではとても休めそうにない。もしかしたらその先もかも。 パーティ(クラブイベントです)の運営もダンサーも続けたいしね。 私達がやってるパーティは来てくれる人皆がハッピーになれるから、 どんなに忙しくてもこれだけは絶対に外せないの。 病気もなかなか治りそうにない。 長期入院したら仕事出来なくなっちゃうのが怖いから。 だってせっかくの大きなチャンスなんだもの。 私が現代アート(←あくまで仮ですので)の流れを変えるかもしれないのよ!? でも痩せすぎちゃって骨みたいな体してる。これはなんとかしなくっちゃ。 でもアーティストって精神病患者多いじゃない?だから私も大丈夫よ。 ちゃんと病院には通ってるし薬も飲んでる。だからちょっぴり憂鬱なだけよ。 でもメールの返事が来ないからって 酷い事書いて送りつけてくる人も居るのよ。殆どは素敵なメールだけれど。 正直これにはうんざり。気が滅入っちゃう。 私は英語圏の人間じゃないの。だから英文には自信が無い。 わかってくださいね。 しばらくメールの返事を書くのは止めます。 日本語の出来る方ならmixiもしくはtwitterにメッセージください。 それならすぐに返事が出来ます。PCの前で仕事してますから。 外国語は好きだし喋るのも自信があったけれど、 今は自分の国の言葉だけで過ごしたいんです。 でももしパーティで見かけたら声かけてくださいね!                            」 以上です。丸投げですみません。少し滅入ってまして。 どうかよろしくお願いします。


  • ベストアンサー

It is very nice of you to read these blogs of mine even though I seldom write. Receiving a lot of mails, I feel sorry I havedn't replied to all of them. I'm extremely busy. I have lots and lots of work piled up. I can imagine I won't be able to take days off until autumn or maybe further months to come. I want to keep managing parties and being a dancer as well. Since the partis we are giving can make people happy, we can't count them out. It seems I hardly get over a recurring disease. I fear if I'm long hospitalized, I can't keep work. I can't miss a big chance I've ever had. Can you imagine I might change the trend of modern art. I'm weak-built, skin and bone. How I wondered what I shoud do with this. But many artists are more or less metntally fatigued, don't you think? So I can manage to put my body and soul together, too. I often get a medical check-up and take medicines. I feel sort of blue, though. Among many nice mails I sometimes find cruel mails because I don't respond. I'm fed up with those cruel mails, which always get me down. I'm not from English-speaking countries. I'm not good at expressing myself in English. Please understand. I'll give up replying to your mails for a while. If you are able to write in Japanese, please leave your messages either at MIXI or TWITTER. I am always working with my computer and I can soon get back to you on my computer. I would like foreign languages, be confident and enjoy speaking. But now I feel like using Japanese only. But when you see me at the parties, please address me.



ありがとうございます。 少し自分語にして使わせていただきます。 大変助かりました。有難うございます。

その他の回答 (1)


Thank you for [te] this.. reading the blog. It writes only occasionally. A lot of mails comes. I'm sorry I cannot return it to all. It is terrible and busy. It holds it a lot a lot of working big. It doesn't seem to rest it at all in autumn. Possibly the duck ahead of that. Party's (It is a club event) management and the dancer want to continue. No matter how it is busy, the party that we are doing cannot remove this alone because all coming people can become happy. The sickness doesn't seem to recover easily. Because it is scared that it becomes impossible to work when it is long term hospitalized. Because [mono] . that is a big special chance. I might change the flow of the present age art (Because it is temporary until ..←.. becoming empty). ? However, it becomes thin too much and body [shiteru] like the bone. This.. managing ..doing.. [nakuccha] . However, isn't the artist mental disease patient multi [i]?Therefore, I am safe. It neatly passes to the hospital and the medicine is taken. Therefore, it is only a little melancholic. It is [naikaratte] to answer mail however ..coming... There is a cruel person who sends [gotosho] [ite], too. Most : in wonderful E-mail. Honest [koreni] is cheesed. Depressingly. I am not man in the sphere in English. Therefore, English is not confident. It understands. The answer of mail is stopped being written for a while. Please give the message to mixi or twitter it is to be able to speak Japanese. If so, it is possible to answer at once. Because it works in front of PC. It likes and the foreign language wants to spend now only in the word in my country though talking was also confident. Is it a voice however in case of the appearance at the party or it disregards it.



