• ベストアンサー


このぶんを英訳してくださいお願いします。 手紙届きました。たくさんの写真と手紙ありがとう。 今度今の私達の写真も撮って送るね。手紙の返事も添えて。 私も○○とよくあなたたちについて話します。 連絡が取り合えてとても嬉しいです。 ○○とクラスが違うけどとても仲良いです。


  • ベストアンサー
  • iusay
  • ベストアンサー率33% (5/15)

I've received your letter and thanks for your photos. I'll send you a letter with my recent picture too. OO and I often talks about you guys too and we are so happy that we could get contact with you guys again. Though OO and I are no longer in a same class, we are still very close.

その他の回答 (6)

  • Wortspiel
  • ベストアンサー率50% (5/10)

「私と○○」は日本語では自分が先ですが、英語では ** and I と私は後ろにきます。 (3人以上の時は I が一番最後) 逆に「あなたと○○」と言う時には今目の前にいる(話しかけている)「あなた」を敬って you and ** というように一番最初にもってきます。最後にすると失礼になるので注意しましょう。

  • Wortspiel
  • ベストアンサー率50% (5/10)

Thank you for your letter and pics. I'll write back to you soon with our pics. ** and I often talk about you. I'm so happy to keep in touch with you. ** and I are not in the same class, but we're good friends. 「手紙ありがとう」という文から、手元に手紙が届いている事がわかるので received/got などは敢えて入れませんでした。 pic は picture の略式表現です。

  • bagoo55
  • ベストアンサー率18% (30/161)

I have received your latter and thank you for your a lot of photos. I will make a reply with our photos. I often talk ○○ about your things. I am glad that make contact with you. I and ○○ in good society though different class.

  • iusay
  • ベストアンサー率33% (5/15)

OO and I aften talks about you guys too で、talksのsはもちろん要りませんので…。 ↓下の回答の訂正でした。

  • ecokichi
  • ベストアンサー率34% (21/61)

I am glad to get your letter. Thank you for sending me a lot of photos. I really enjoyed them. I'll send you our photos, with reply to your letter. ○○ and I also often talk about you. Anyway I am happy to keep touch with you. ○○ and I are not in the same calss, but we are still good friends. 多少の間違いはご勘弁くださいネ。

  • kazu2021
  • ベストアンサー率11% (32/276)

The letter arrived. Thank you for many photographs and a letter. Is our present photograph also taken and sent shortly? The reply of a letter is also attached. I also often talk with OO about you. connection should listen -- て -- even if -- it is glad O Relations are very good although a class differs from O.