英語、へたれなので自信があまりありません。全部でなくていいので、1つからでも添削お願いしますm(_ _)m
(1)The key to being a good experimentalist is obsessive attention to detail. They are constantly thinking about the matter at hand(and not about dinner, their next work-out or the cute student in the next laboratory). They constantly use their eyes to monitor every relevant detail.
(2)Although the repetition of experiments is an essential step to gain confidence in a finding, it is a poor experimenter who does not frequently make at least minor changes to their protocol. In fact, making the same finding after modifying an experiment bolsters the validity of the findings.
(3)Your luck will be proportional, however, to the number of well-conceived and expertly performed experiments that you execute and on how prepared your mind is to process unexpected findings.
【very malnourished, track down, Mario, Pennsylvania】
After wars, she tracked down Mario who had been very malnourished in the hospital, and a few days later, they boaded the ship for the U.S.A. to live with her brother in Pennsylvania.
【flexiblity, NIH grant system, Capecchi, fund, lead, Nobel Prize-winning】
The flecibily of NIH grant system allowed Capecchi to use several funds to support studies for leading Nobel Prize-winning findings.
【not only, but, worthy, grant score, pursuit, gene targeting project】
They didn’t only imply that gene targeting project wasn’t worthy pursuit, but made my grant score B from A.
【exploit, disapprove, believe, overcome, indicate】
However, the application was funded by NIH’s National Institute of General Medical Sciences with an initial budget that was 19% higher than the previous year and with a duration of 5 years, ( ) strong support from the Institute.
僕の解答 to indicate (????\ ´д` ノ)