• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:important in + 動名詞)

How to use 'in' in the sentence?

  • In the sentence, 'Your comments are important in helping us improve the quality of our restaurants', 'in' is used to indicate the role or contribution of the comments in the process of improving the quality of the restaurants.
  • If we replace 'in' with 'for' or 'important to help us improve', it would not be incorrect, but the meaning would slightly differ. 'For' would imply that the comments are important for some other purpose or benefit, while 'important to help us improve' would emphasize the significance of the comments in the improvement process.
  • Similar expressions like 'S + have + difficulty + in + gerund' also use 'in' in a similar way to indicate the challenge or problem faced in performing the action denoted by the gerund. However, using an infinitive like 'to help us improve' after 'difficulty' would not be possible.


  • ベストアンサー
  • KappNets
  • ベストアンサー率27% (1557/5688)

important にはいろいろな言い方があるのですね。ある種紛らわしい。 Your comments are important in helping us improve the quality of our restaurants. は for で単純には置き換えられませんが、Your comments are important for us to improve the quality of our restaurants. あるいは Your comments are important to us in improving the quality of our restaurants. などと言い換えられると思います。

