以下は Inconel625とetchingをキーワードにYahoo UK&Irelandを調べた
Dear sir
I am looking for micro & macro etching solution for Inconel 625.
I used this solution
15 mL HCl、10 mL glycerol、5 mL nitric acid
but not good.
Thank you
Haroon Roorki University - Roorki, India
2)Pickling 《冶》酸洗い.
Sodium hydride baths are necessary to descale this alloy.
After the sodium hydride treatment, the material should be
immersed in a sulfuric acid bath 165°F (74℃)for
approximately 3 minutes. A 25-minute immersion in a nitric-
hydrofluoric bath 145°F (63°C) is then necessary. Rinse.
Sulfuric solution: 16% by weight, H2SO4. Nitric solution: 8%
HNO3 by weight and 3% HF by weight. Acid etching for macro-
inspection-expose material electrolytically to a 3-to-1 HCl
to HNO3 solution, saturated with CuCl2 at a current density
of 0.645 amp/in² (25.4 A/m)
3) Inconel 625 alloy.
Etched in 10% oxalic acid; 10 Volts for 10 secs. Bright
field, 2.5x. ... Metallographic instructions for colour
etching by immersion, ...
遅くなってすみません やはりインコネルを腐食させるのは困難なようですね. 色々な方法で試してみます. アドバイスをありがとうございました!