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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英訳添削お願いします。素人文で読みにくいかと思いますが宜しくお願いします)


  • 日本人が世界最長寿を享受しているが、それは最近のことである。
  • 昔の時代は感染症や飢餓、戦争が主な原因で若いうちに多くの人が死んでいた。
  • 現在、中国、韓国、オーストラリア、ヨーロッパ諸国、アメリカ、カナダなどが70歳以上の平均寿命を有しているが、アフリカの多くの国は60歳以下である。


  • ベストアンサー

とりあえずですが、下記のように書いてみました。 Japan has become the world's top country for longevity only recently. Chances of living to age 60 were 0.5%. The chance of living to age 60 is one out of two hundreds / one in two hundreds Two out of three children died before their 8th birthday. >The main reason why many people died so young is infectious disease, starvation, and war. The main reason of this is thought to be infectious deseases, starvation, and the war. >Life expectancy exceeded 50 years old for the first time after the WW2. Life expectancy exceeded 50 years old for the first time since WW2. >Life expectancy is prolonged for 30 years old after the WW2 during 50 years. Life expectancy was prolonged by 30 years old during 50 years after the WW2. >昔の時代は「人生50年」とよく言われているが、実際に「人生50年」になったのは、50年前になって初めて。 >It is often said long time ago that "life prolong 50 years.“ but it is the first time that "life is 50 years" is real. Since olden days, it was said that life is 50 years , but it only became real 50 years ago. >the country which has a life expectancy older than 70 years old is China, Korea, Australia, European countries, U.S.A., Canada all over the world. Coutries that have an average life expectany of over 70 years are China, ......, and Canada. >In the Asian Continent, the African Continent, and most countries of Central and South America's life expectancy is less than 60 years old. In the Asian Continent, the African Continent, and most countries of Central and South America, their life expectancies are below 60 years. >Sierra Leone's life expectancy is 34 years old; Zambia's is 37 years old. these score is a half of developed nations. Sierra Leone's life expectancy is 34 years old; Zambia's is 37 years old. Both are below half of that of developed nations.