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(1)U.S. scientists create metallic hydrogen, a possible superconductor, ending quest
→ 米国科学者 超電導を可能にする金属水素をつくる研究を完成 ← まったく自信なし
(2)Thu Jan 26, 2017 | 2:40pm EST By Julie Steenhuysen | CHICAGO
シカゴ発:ジュリー・スティーンヒュセン 2017年1月26日 午後2時40分(東部標準時間)
(3)U.S. scientists have succeeded in squeezing hydrogen so intensely that it has turned into a metal, creating an entirely new material that might be used as a highly efficient electricity conductor at room temperatures.
(4)The discovery, published in the journal Science on Thursday, provides the first confirmation of a theory proposed in 1935 by physicists Hillard Bell Huntington and Eugene Wigner that hydrogen, normally a gas, could occur in a metallic state if exposed to extreme pressure.
この発見は、木曜日のサイエンス誌で公表された。 最初の理論は、物理学者であるヒラード・ベル・ハンチントン及びユージン・ウィグナーにより 1935年に提案された確証を与えた。
(5)Several teams have been racing to develop metallic hydrogen, which is highly prized because of its potential as a superconductor, a material that is extremely efficient at conducting electricity.
(5)Currently, superconductors such as those used in a magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, machines must be cooled with liquid helium to keep them at extremely low temperatures, which is costly.