友人宛のメールです。長文で恐縮なのですが、今後に役立たせたいので、自然な言い回しにどなたか添削していただけないでしょうか。よろしくお願いします。なお、( )内は伝えたい内容です。
Thanks for the letter.To my relief,you are not upset.I should not worry too much.
>Not to much has changed here.
This is kind of good except boredom isn't this? I remember that you said before nothing happen means basically peace that's why you like boredom in a way,
>Summer is ending. Its cooling off already. Too short.
Really??That's too short!! It's still hot and humid very much down here. I used to hate tokyo's steamy heat but I'm kind of enjoying this year becouse it is the first tokyo's summer in two years for me.
I did djembe with one of japanese drum circle in ☆-park last saturday and sunday.I did over five hours both days,so I got bruise on my palm and tanned.
Oh ☆-park reminds me,I got Nepal-○○ from the Italian guy who I met first time at the park when I did djembe.And he said 'This is pretty good stuff isn't this?' and I said 'Yes.'to be polite.He also said Italian stuff is good.But it's hard to belive it for me.Because actually ○○ he gave me was not good.I think △△ stuff is far better like ten times more than that.I guess I've gotten used to △△ stuff.At this moment it's like ill fortune in a way because if I don't know △△ stuff,I could be satisfied with most staff in the world.
Thanks for the letter. I'm relieved you weren't angry with it. I've worried too much, haven't I?
タグクエスチョンの代名詞は it のほうがいいですよ。
It's still awfully hot and humid here.
I did that over five hours each day
どうもありがとうございました。とても感謝してます。 回答のチェックが遅くなってしまい、お礼も遅くなってしまいました。 またお暇な時に、添削していただけるととてもありがたいです。