- ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:このエスニックジョークに日本人を加えたのを考えて)
An American businessman, a Cuban tobacco grower, a Russian vodka distiller, and an American lawyer
- An American businessman met a Cuban tobacco grower, a Russian vodka distiller, and an American lawyer while traveling on a train in Europe. The Cuban dismisses cigars as abundant in his country, while the Russian does the same with vodka. The businessman, after contemplating, throws the lawyer out the window.
- On a train journey in Europe, an American businessman encounters a Cuban tobacco grower, a Russian vodka distiller, and an American lawyer. The Cuban dismisses cigars, claiming there is an abundance of them in his country. The same goes for the Russian with vodka. The businessman takes action by throwing the lawyer out the window.
- During a train ride in Europe, an American businessman meets a Cuban tobacco grower, a Russian vodka distiller, and an American lawyer. The Cuban and Russian casually dispose of cigars and vodka, respectively, due to their abundance in their home countries. The businessman makes a decision by throwing the lawyer out of the train window.
- みんなの回答 (2)
- 専門家の回答
workaholic Japanese? 自分を捨てるとか? でも、日本人が自分の国をバカにするようなことしたらひかれますね。
その他の回答 (1)
- BearCave
- ベストアンサー率20% (189/909)
オチに使うつもりですか?それとも前フリの方ですか? オチの方だとおもしろくないとダメなので、難しいですよね…
どちらも良いです。Everything is OK ! sony の カセットWalkmanが壊れたので窓から捨てたと言うのはどう感じますか?最後に「毎日、新製品がでるんだ」はどうでしょう?