STOCKHOLM (AP) — Arctic ice is melting faster than expected and could raise the average
global sea level by as much as five feet this century, an authoritative new report suggests.
The study by the international Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program, or AMAP, is one of the most comprehensive updates on climate change in the Arctic, and builds on a similar assessment in 2005.
The full report will be delivered to foreign ministers of the eight Arctic nations next week, but an executive summary including the key findings was obtained by The Associated Press on Tuesday.
It says that Arctic temperatures in the past six years were the highest since measurements began in 1880, and that feedback mechanisms believed to accelerate warming in the climate system have now started kicking in.
One mechanism involves the ocean absorbing more heat when it's not covered by ice, which reflects the sun's energy. That effect has been anticipated by scientists "but clear evidence for it has only been observed in the Arctic in the past five years," AMAP said.
The report also shatters some of the forecasts made in 2007 by the U.N.'s expert panel on climate change.
The cover of sea ice on the Arctic Ocean, for example, is shrinking faster than projected by the U.N. panel. The level of summer ice coverage has been at or near record lows every year since 2001, AMAP said, predicting that the Arctic Ocean will be nearly ice free in summer within 30-40 years.
ご回答ありがとうございます。 そうか、”Chicago Manual”のようなものを見ればいいんだ、と今になって気づいて、手元の P. Peters(2004)“The Cambridge Guide to English Usage”(p.91-91)を見ました。すると次のように書かれていました。 When two or more geographical names are combined in a single expression, the generic part of the names is usually pluralized and kept in lower case if it follows rather than precedes: the Hudson and Mississippi rivers the Atlantic and Southern oceans Cf. Mounts Egmont and Hutt This practice is established in many parts of the English-speaking world, and detailed in the “CBE Manual”(1994), the Australian government “Style Manual”(2004), and the “Chicago Manual”(2003). ご紹介していただいた例と同等のものが例に挙がっていて興味深いです。 ○The Chicago Manual of Style (14版):the Hudson and Mississippi Rivers ○上掲の ”Cambridge Usage”: the Hudson and Mississippi rivers 私はthe “Chicago Manual”は14版も15版もともに持っていませんので、残念ながらご紹介いただいたこの部分の直接の比較はできません。もし、上掲のとおりならば、15版の出た2003年に至るこの20年間(http://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/english-books/0226104036/reviews/ref=cm_rev_more/250-7788260-4053005#4) の変化なのかもしれませんね。今度、本屋さんで立ち読みでもしてチェックしてみます。 さらに、the generic part of the names が前置の場合と後置の場合で違いがあるというのもおもしろいですね。