User Agreement
This is a one-time charge only and you will never be re-billed. For example, a one year membership to the Service will be billed in a one time charge representing the monthly membership rate times 12 months. The amount charged to you is based on your choice of package and charged to the account of your choice. Purchase is done securely through our authorized sales processing agent. Your information will be transmitted through Secure Socket Layer (SSL) software to ensure your information is private. Your membership is 100% guaranteed with a 15 day money back policy. You will receive unlimited access to our support resources, unlimited downloads of all programs located within our site and unlimited technical support contact with our staff.
We do not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any software, programs, advice, opinion, statement or other information displayed, uploaded or distributed through the service by GamesMembersArea.com, our partners or any user of the service or any other person or entity. You acknowledge that any reliance upon any such opinion, download, advice, statement or information shall be at your sole risk. Your continued use of the service now, or following the posting of notice of any changes in this Agreement, will constitute a binding acceptance by you of this Agreement, or any subsequent modifications.
Right to Use
Your right to use the Service is subject to any limitations, conditions and restrictions established by us from time to time, in our sole discretion. We may alter, suspend or discontinue any aspect of the Service at any time, including the availability of any Service feature, database or content. We may also impose limits on certain features and aspects of the Service or restrict your access to parts or all of the Service without notice or liability.
For the protection of our shoppers, it is our policy to not sell to minors. If you are under the legal age of majority and wish to purchase from our online site, please have a parent or legal guardian make the purchase for you. You represent, warrant and covenant that you are at least 18 years old.
Legal use of the service
It will be your responsibility to use the products provided through the Service in a legal manner, respecting all laws including copyright infringement laws and any other law applicable to your use of the service. DBC Ventures declines all responsibility related to your use of the software and services provided.
Membership fees and charges
THE PURCHASE OF A MEMBERSHIP is NON-REFUNDABLE. After your evaluation period of 15 days, even if you are no longer using the service, you may not request a refund of the total or partial amount of your membership. Should you want a refund for any reason and are within your evaluation period, you may request it by contacting customer service on this link. We reserve the right to charge processing fees for any refund requested over the allocated trial period.
You agree to pay or have paid all fees and charges incurred in connection with your membership with the service (including any applicable taxes) at the rates in effect when the charges were incurred. All fees and charges are nonrefundable. We may change the fees and charges in effect for using the service and may conduct changes on the site from time to time. You also are responsible for any fees or charges incurred to access the service through an Internet access provider or other third party service, including but not limited to telephone charges. YOU, AND NOT WE, ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYING ANY AMOUNTS BILLED TO YOUR CREDIT CARD BY A THIRD PARTY, WHICH WERE NOT AUTHORIZED BY YOU.
moonliver_2005さま いろいろ教えて頂き、有り難うございました。 ご自身も石壁を叩いて壊せないか確認されながら進まれているようで敬服致します。 この契約書の日本語は、開発途上国や売る気のない欧米の製品説明書の日本語訳の感じで、しっかり(米国並みかそれ以上に)ユーザーサポートしている(と私は思っている)20年来の日本法人がある会社のものとは思えないですね。 >米国以外の地域または国の準拠法が求められる場合を除き、本契約およびメンバーの .Mac の使用に関しては、カリフォルニア州法(抵触法の条項を除きます)が適用されます。 これは、サーバー所在による制限かと思いますが、 >メンバーの .Mac の使用に関し、アップルへの異議申立またはアップルとの争議が生じた場合は、カリフォルニア州の裁判所が独占管轄することに、明確に同意したものとします。 日本法人の販売会社からサービスを購入しても、サービス元が米国なら、裁判場所を米国にするのは契約で規定するような日本国民に不利な契約条項のある契約を、日本の法律が認めているのですか?国際標準でしょうか。 「特定商取引に関する法律」に基づく表示 販売業者 :アップルコンピュータ株式会社 運営責任者 :代表取締役社長 ティモシー・ディ・クック 英文によると、クーリングオフ制度のない国ではクーリングオフ期間は30日間だがある国はその制度でと言うことで、日本では「適用除外リスト」に入っているから適応しないとは、国会/経産省?の怠慢以外にないですね。早く「国際基準」に合わせて改訂してもらわなければ。 また、最後に、ヨーロッパでは、IRELAND(のサーバ}で提供していると明記しているのに、日本語では(恣意的に)省略しています。契約書の二番目の言語である日本語圏を軽んじていることが明白になりました。 FOR .MAC USERS OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES: THE .MAC SERVICE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE COMPUTER INC. AND IN EUROPE, APPLE COMPUTER INTERNATIONAL, HOLLYHILL INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, HOLLYHILL, CORK, IRELAND. 世界でのMacの販売台数を探してみて、今後の対応を考えていきたいと思います。