Another reason for not lending is the bank regulation which states <that> the total assets of the bank must equal 8% or more of the amount of a particular loan before it will lend the money, and it is often said of banks that "they will lend you an umbrella when the sun is shining, but take it back when it rains."
First of all, in reponse to the passage in the November article which said <that> the photographs of the "oil-soaked sea birds" and the "oil spills" (New York Times, January 26, 1991) which appeared during the Gulf War were not the results of Iraqi military but of UN military air strikes, the ambassador stated, "That's not what happened at all.
In short, it is a book which proves <that>, fundamentally, human beings have an ugly nature and it becomes particularly visible in people in public office where there is no competition.
人の「職業・地位」や,「性格・人柄」など人格というべきものを表す場合は関係代名詞は,who, whom にならないということですね。よくわかりました。しかし、問題を解くのにこのような細かいことを頭に入れておかなければいけないのでしょうか。。。大変です。ありがとうございました。これからも努力しますね。