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大学2年の教育学部、英語科に所属している者です。 この春休みに英語教育、外国語教育に関する洋書300ページを要約し、提出するようにと課題を教授の方から出されてしまいました。皆さんのなかでなにかオススメの洋書があったら教えて頂きたいです。300ページはあくまでも総合で、複数組み合わせてもいいそうです。 よろしくおねがいします



Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, Third Edition by Marianne Celce-Murcia Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching (Teaching Techniques in English as a Second Language) by Diane Larsen-Freeman Teaching by Principles, Second Edition by H. Douglas Brown これらは第2外国語としての英語をどう教えるかということに重点を置いた示唆に富む本です。 すべてUSAアマゾンで購入可能。 1冊目はつぎのようなレビューです。 59 of 63 people found the following review helpful: A very helpful book for ESL Teacher, June 18, 2000 Reviewer: Richard A. Sasso (CHICAGO IL USA) - See all my reviews This is a truly splendid book! I am an experienced ESL teacher, and I wish someone had passed this book along to me when I was beginning in the field. The main areas of the book--teaching methodology, language skills, integrated approaches, focusing on the learner, and skills for teachers--are daily issues for ESL teachers. The fact that the book is an anthology is also very good, as it provides a variety of perspectives. I found the earliest entries--dealing with the history of the field--superb. Similarly, I found the sections on the different levels/situations in which ESL is taught also very useful.



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