Merit(1): Seasonal events (people will have to change clocks twice a year and that gives Japanese a opportunity to observe one single rule throughout nation and lead to a well-disciplined life.)
Merit(2): Crime prevention (the darker it gets, the higher criminal rate increases. It will be much safer for people including "juku" kids to come home before it gets dark.)
Merit(3):Quality of life style(the practice gives a chance for Japanese workers to think about their family life and how to spend time and eventually it will help increase in time for leisure.)
Merit(4):Creating demand and saving energy(seven months of introduction of summer time will create domestic demand amounting to 640 billion yen and save energy equal to 868-thousand-kiloliters of crude oil.)
Demerit(1):Nuisance(the typical Japanese household has more than 20 watches and clocks. Setting time of all of them twice a year is troublesome.
Demerit(2):Costly and risky(according to MITI, estimated 100 billion yen will have to be spent in the initial year to change operating programs for traffic signals and computer systems. Errors in these software changes could cause accidents and malfunctions)
Demerit(3):Geographic reason(in European countries, Daylight hours in winter are so short of 6 hours. This practice is effective only in those areas at high latitudes.)
Demerit(4):Increase in working hours(it only serves to increase in working hours in this competitive era. Japanese workers are accustomed to work overtime after sunset and obliged to work more before it gets dark. Many companies demand so.)
また、英国ではBST(British Summer Time)とGMTと言う単語を正式に使っており、あまりDaylight Saving Timeとは言いません。