They say that by giving confidence, encouraging some risk taking, being accepting of failure and expanding the areas in which children may be successful, both parents and teachers can reignite that innate desire to achieve.
Figuring out why the fire went out is the first step. Assuming that a kid doesn't
suffer from an emotional or learning disability, or isn't involved in some family crisis at home, many educators attribute a sudden lack of motivation to a fear of failure or peer pressure that conveys the message that doing well academically somehow isn't cool.
前半、a kid doesn't suffer from an emotional or learning disability で、「感情的にできないといったり、学習することができないということに苦しんでいない」となるのでしょうか。
"They destroy their confidence," says Jeff Howard, a social psychologist and
president of the Efficacy Institute, a Boston-area organization that works
with teachers and parents in school districts around the country to help
improve children's academic performance.
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