What Does 'Affirming' Mean in the Context of Faith?
Learn the meaning of 'affirming' in the context of faith and its importance in the lives of individuals.
Discover why 'taking a hard line on the topic' is a significant issue in Christian communities with different beliefs.
Explore the impact of contrasting views on LGBTQ+ acceptance within religious circles.
About a year ago I met a woman through work who became a close friend and very important part of my life. While we enjoy each other’s company in general, we really bonded over our faith. My church is open and affirming and embraced me as a gay Christian. The problem is my friend comes from a much more conservative church and takes a hard line on the topic.
ここでのaffirmingはどのような意味でしょうか?あと、takes a hard line on the topicの意味も教えてください。よろしくお願いします
"affirming" 「肯定的」という意味です。
My church is open and affirming and embraced me as a gay Christian.
"takes a hard line on the topic" 「その件について厳しい態度を取る」
The problem is my friend comes from a much more conservative church and takes a hard line on the topic.