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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:social cripple)
Dating Saga: A Story of a Social Cripple in Love
- A recently dated woman in her late 70s shared a unique connection. As they navigated the dating scene, the individual, who hadn't dated in years, expressed their concerns about being a social cripple and their partner's grief over their late husband.
- Throughout 36 dates, the couple enjoyed dinners, outdoor events, and theater performances. The individual even helped with landscaping and household repairs. However, as the dating saga progressed, the partner declined invitations to social events, leading to a sense that something was amiss.
- On the 34th date, the individual bravely asked for a hug, hoping for a deeper connection. However, their partner held her hands to the sides of her body and avoided eye contact, leaving the individual puzzled about her true feelings.
- みんなの回答 (2)
- 専門家の回答
"social cripple" 「社交的に無能な人(非社交的な人間)」 "dating saga" 「長期にわたる一連のデート」 "held her hands to the sides of her body" 「彼女の手は体の横におろしたままだった」(ハグといういうものは相手と抱き合って、相手の体の周りに互いの腕をかけ合うものですが、彼女がそれをしなかったといことは、彼女は話者に対してあまり乗り気でなかったことが伺えます。)
その他の回答 (1)
- Nakay702
- ベストアンサー率79% (10004/12512)
>social cripple⇒「社交が苦手な人、つきあい下手」。 >dating saga⇒「デートの(苦い)経験/物語」。 >held her hands to the sides of her body⇒「両手を揃えて下げたままでした」。 (ハグをし合うことに気乗りせず、ただ突っ立っていた様子が髣髴されます。)