Pushing Back the MRI: Balancing Anxiety and Relief
Learn the meaning of 'push the MRI back a month' and 'relieving my current, slow-building anxiety sooner is worth the temporary spike that always comes with an MRI'
Discover how a college freshman with a brain tumor deals with anxiety and the decision to postpone their MRI
Find out why the temporary spike in anxiety caused by an MRI is considered worth it by the individual
I am a freshman in college. About five months ago I was diagnosed with a brain tumor after getting an MRI for a minor head injury. Thankfully, the tumor is very small and likely benign. Nevertheless, it has given me terrible anxiety. I was already a bit of hypochondriac before and now every time I experience any kind of symptom I can’t help but wonder if it’s a sign the tumor is growing. The one thing I have found helpful in countering these thoughts is reminding myself of my upcoming MRI. If the tumor hasn’t grown significantly then I’ll know I was worrying about nothing and if it has grown, I can deal with that then.
Recently, my parents (who know me very well) suggested that I push the MRI back a month, so that my inevitable increase in anxiety does not disrupt my already-stressful schoolwork. Medically, this would not be a problem as the tumor is growing very slowly (the neurosurgeon confirmed this), but I am impatient and inclined to go ahead with the scheduled date. I feel that relieving my current, slow-building anxiety sooner is worth the temporary spike that always comes with an MRI.
push the MRI back a monthとrelieving my current, slow-building anxiety sooner is worth the temporary spike that always comes with an MRIの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします
「push the MRI back a month」
"push back" は "delay" と同じ意味を持ちます。つまり "遅らせる" です。
「relieving my current, slow-building anxiety sooner is worth the temporary spike that always comes with an MRI」
"relieve anxiety" = "不安を消し去る"
"slow-building" = "徐々に増大していく"
"worth" = "価値がある"
"temporary spike" = "一時的な(忙しさの)急上昇"
1。push the MRI back a month
とrelieving my current, slow-building anxiety sooner is worth the temporary spike that always comes with an MRIの意味を教えてください。
push the MRI back a month は、下記にあるように、「MRI を1ヶ月先に伸ばす」という意味です。
2。relieving my current, slow-building anxiety sooner is worth the temporary spike that always comes with an MRIの意味を教えてください。