How to Restore Masculinity and Salvage a Relationship
Learn what 'troll the avenues' means and how to restore masculinity in a relationship.
Discover ways to reaffirm your manhood and salvage your relationship after a failed attempt at winning a stuffed animal.
Explore whether seeking a new relationship is a solution or if there are ways to regain trust and rebuild the current one.
troll the avenues
At an amusement park recently, I was unable to win the woman I'm dating the oversized stuffed giraffe she desired. I tried valiantly, but winning wasn't in the cards for me. She forgave me, but I'm afraid she harbors more resentment than she let on. Since then her behavior has been peculiar. She emails me pictures of giraffes, stretches her neck to frightening lengths, and got a giraffe tattoo that extends from her wrist to her shoulder.
I know the ability to win a stuffed animal for a lover is a potent measure of a man's worth. My failure has left my masculinity sagging. Is there anything I can do to reaffirm my manhood and salvage my relationship? Or should I troll the avenues of Manhattan in search of a lady whose faith I have not shattered?
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