• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文についての質問)

Internal Problems Faced by the United States After the War

  • Each state hindered trade and raised its own funds. As a result, economic growth has slowed down after the war.
  • The intervention of the French with financial and material support tipped the balance and won the war, but as Hamilton had predicted, the Articles were unfit for maintaining the union in peacetime as well as war. Economic conflicts such as each state coining its own money and putting tariffs on each other's goods further hindered trade and economic growth after the war.
  • The United States faced internal problems after the war, including hindrances to trade and economic growth. Each state hindered trade by coining its own money and levying tariffs on each other's goods. The lack of a unified fiscal system and the burden of war debt also contributed to the slowdown in economic growth.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10082/12630)

>Each state hindered trade and raised its own funds. As a result, economic growth has slowed down after the war. *だいたいよく書けていると思いますが、「自国(自州)の資金を調達した」は不要でしょう。代わりに「硬貨の鋳造や物品の関税」について触れましょう。 ⇒Each state coined its own money, put tariffs on each other’s goods and hindered mutual trade. As a result, economic growth slowed down around the end of war. =各州は、自前の硬貨を鋳造し、お互いの物品に関税を課し、相互の貿易を阻害した。結果として、戦争の終わり頃には経済成長が鈍化した。



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