- ベストアンサー
- ビジネス上の英文メールについての添削依頼です。取引先への紹介した派遣社員が就業辞退した経緯を説明し、彼との直接対話を希望しています。
- 先方の開始日変更相談により、派遣社員が就業を辞退しました。彼との連絡が取れず、直接会って話し合いたいとの意向があります。
- 英文メールでの添削依頼です。取引先へ紹介した派遣社員が就業辞退し、開始日変更による混乱が生じました。彼との面談を希望しています。
- みんなの回答 (2)
- 専門家の回答
> We are repeatedly contacting him from this morning, but can not talk with him. ⇒ もしまだコンタクトを取ろうとしているのであれば、完了形にするべきと思います。 We've been trying to reach out to him since this morning, but it's hasn't been successful so far. > We tell you this matter to now. ⇒ ここは通じにくいと思います。 Let me explain about the background on this matter. とか、 Let me explain about what actually happened with him. > We told him about possibility of change of start day, she had feelings of anxious about this sudden change in immediate start day. so, she declined to work at your company. ⇒ このpossibility は、彼が日にちの変更に対してOKかどうかの可能性ですよね?上の文だと、まだ開始日が変わるかどうかわからない様に聞こえます。 Per your request, we asked him if he could accept the change of the start date. As this conversation was just the previous day of the original date, he was shocked and lost trust in us. Then he completely decline to take the job. > We apologize that we persuade him. ⇒ we couldn't persuade him ですね。 We are sorry about this, but we couldn't change his mind. apologize から sorryに変えたのは、あくまでも個人的な感覚。We are sorry about this だと、謝罪よりも「彼の気持ちを変えられなくて残念です」と言う意味合いが強い。もともと先方が急に行ってきたことが原因なのと、apologizeすると何か契約に違反して謝っているように聞こえるもので。 > We would like to meet with you to talk about this. これはOKと思います。ただ、ミーティングすることは決まっているので、 We will meet you and talk about the situation in detail. とかでも良いと思います。
その他の回答 (1)
- marina2000
- ベストアンサー率35% (10/28)
We are contacting him from this morning, but he doesn't answer. We will tell you the how the matter is till now. When we talked to him that his start day might change, he happened to have a anxious feeling about the sudden change. Hence, he declined to work at your company. We are very sorry that we couldn't persuade him. We will like to talk with him once, directly.