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Intense Shell-Fire and Destruction: A Summary of the German Defenses

  • Villages, woods, roads, railway lines, cantonments, bivouacs, artillery batteries, and ammunition dumps were heavily bombarded by shell-fire until dawn on 17 April. German defenses, particularly south of Mont Sans Nom, were destroyed, while wide lanes were cut through their barbed wire entanglements.
  • The second line of defense on the slopes of the Moronvilliers hills was also destroyed, making the attack on the German position on the ridges above the Suippes possible. However, the bombardment was less effective in the west, leaving some German defenses intact.
  • Specific areas, such as Bois de la Grille and Leopoldshöhe Trench, were not completely destroyed, and some dug-outs and the Konstanzlager were not significantly damaged.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10082/12630)

>Villages, woods, roads, railway lines, cantonments, bivouacs, artillery batteries and ammunition dumps were "deluged" by shell-fire, with few pauses until dawn on 17 April. Poor weather interfered with air-observation but by the night of 16 April, reconnaissance photographs taken from the air, reports from ground observers and prisoner reports, showed that wide lanes had been cut through the barbed wire entanglements in front of the German first line, where they had not been obliterated and that German trench lines and field fortifications, particularly south of Mont Sans Nom had been destroyed. Few German defences remained intact, except for those in Bois de la Grille and around Aubérive. ⇒4月17日の夜明けまで、村、森、道路、鉄道路、宿営舎、露営所、砲兵中隊、および弾薬集積場が、ほとんど休止なく爆弾砲火の「洪水」となった。悪天候によって空中観察は妨害されたが、4月16日の夜までには上空から撮った斥候調査写真、地上観測隊報告、および囚人報告があって、それらは次のようことを示した。すなわち、完全破壊を免れていたドイツ軍の第1戦線前に張り巡らされた鉄条網によって、広い通路が切断された。そして、そのドイツ軍の塹壕戦線と戦場防備施設とは、特にモン・サン・ノムの南側でひどく破壊された、と。ボア・ド・ア・グリーユやオーベリヴ周辺を除けば、無傷のまま残ったドイツ軍の防衛施設ほとんどなかった。 >The second line, half-way up the slopes of the Moronvilliers hills, was destroyed from south of Mont Perthois to the Suippes, barbed-wire in the woods to the north-east of Mont Sans Nom was partially cut, making an attack on the German position on the ridges above the Suippes practicable. In the west, from Bois de la Grille to Tranchée du Bois du Chien, the bombardment was less effective and the German defences in Bois de la Grille and Leopoldshöhe Trench behind it and Erfurt Trench to the east, were not destroyed. South of Mont Haut, the Konstanzlager and the row of dug-outs up the south slope of Mont Perthois, had not been seriously damaged. ⇒第2の戦線は、モロンヴィェール丘の傾斜上の途中で、モン・ペルトワの南からシュイップまでが破壊された。モン・サン・ノムの北東へ向かう森林中の有刺鉄線が部分的に切断されて、シュイップの上の尾根にあるドイツ軍陣地に対する攻撃が実行可能となった。西側では、ボワ・ド・グリーユからボワ・デュ・シエン塹壕までの間の爆撃はさほど効果がなく、ボワ・ド・グリーユのドイツ防衛施設とその背後のレオポルドシェヘー塹壕、およびその東のエルフルト塹壕は破壊を免れた。モン・オーの南側、コンスタンツ宿営地、およびモン・ペルトワの南傾斜地の避難壕の列も、深刻な損害を受けることはなかった。




