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The Battle of Gaza in World War I: A Brililant Victory Cut Short

  • The Battle of Gaza in World War I was a brilliant victory for the British forces, showcasing their fighting abilities.
  • However, due to the lack of daylight hours, the troops were unable to finish the battle, despite their magnificently executed efforts.
  • The defeat, although small compared to Western Front standards, led to the resignation of Dallas, the commander of the 53rd Division.


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  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10082/12630)

>And Dobell wrote, This action has had the result of bringing the enemy to battle, and he will now undoubtedly stand with all his available force in order to fight us when we are prepared to attack. It has also given our troops an opportunity of displaying the splendid fighting qualities they possess. So far as all ranks of the troops engaged were concerned, it was a brilliant victory, and had the early part of the day been normal victory would have been secured. Two more hours of daylight would have sufficed to finish the work the troops so magnificently executed after a period of severe hardship and long marches, and in the face of most stubborn resistance. — General Dobell, Eastern Force ⇒そして、ドーベルは書いた、 この行動には、敵を戦いに引き込む効果があって、疑いなく敵軍は今や可能なすべての軍力をもって、準備中の我々に戦を挑んでくることでしょう。それはまた、我々の軍隊が備えている見事な戦闘能力を示す機会となりました。交戦したあらゆる階級の軍隊について言えるが、それは輝かしい勝利でした。そして、その(会戦)当日の早い段階で、勝利が確保される指標が見られました。わが軍隊は、極めて頑強な抵抗隊に直面して、過酷な困難と長い進軍時間の後、威風堂々と実行してこの偉業を成し遂げるのに、2時間あまりの日光で十分でありました。 — 東部軍団(司令官)、ドーベル大将 >The British press reported the battle as a success, but an Ottoman plane dropped a message that said, "You beat us at communiqués, but we beat you at Gaza."Dallas, the commander of the 53rd (Welsh) Division, resigned after the battle, owing to a "breakdown in health." Judged by Western Front standards, the defeat was small and not very costly. Murray's offensive power had not been greatly affected and preparations for a renewal of the offensive were quickly begun. The Second Battle of Gaza began on 17 April 1917. ⇒英国の報道機関はこの戦いを成功として報告したが、オスマントルコ軍は飛行機から次のように言うメッセージを投下した。「あなた方はコミュニケ(communiqués、公式声明)で我々を叩きましたが、我々はガザであなた方を叩きました」。「健康の故障」のために第53(ウェールズ)師団の指揮官ダラスは、この戦いの後辞任した。西部戦線の基準から判断すれば、敗北は小さく、あまり高くつかなかった。マレイの攻撃力はあまり大きな影響がなかったが、攻撃の再開に対する準備が速やかに開始された。第2回の「ガザの戦い」は、1917年4月17日に始まった。




