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Another Raid: Germans Killed, Prisoners Taken

  • On 8/9 February, a raid was ordered but postponed until 10 February. Several Germans were killed as they retreated, and soldiers in four dug-outs were killed with hand-grenades when they refused to surrender. Seven prisoners were taken, and the British party lost three killed, seven wounded, and three missing.
  • On 12 February, about 70 Germans raided the area between posts 9 and 10, taking seven prisoners. Machine-gun fire prevented searching the no man's land, but five dead Germans were found between the posts.
  • In November 1916, during the Battle of the Ancre, British operations had captured German positions on Beaumont Hamel spur and the village of Beaucourt. These operations were halted due to the weather. On 10 January, a battalion of the 7th Division attacked 'The Triangle' and the nearby trenches, including Muck Trench located about 1,000 yards east of Beaumont Hamel.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10082/12630)

>Another raid was ordered for 8/9 February, then postponed until 10 February. On this raid several Germans were killed as they retreated and soldiers in four dug-outs were killed with hand-grenades, when they refused to surrender. Seven prisoners were taken and the party of 36 lost three killed, seven wounded and three missing. The Germans retaliated on 12 February, when about 70 men raided the area between posts 9 and 10 and took seven prisoners. ⇒もう一つの急襲として、2月8/9日(の実行)を命じられていたが、それは2月10日まで延期された。この急襲では、数人のドイツ兵が退却するときに死亡し、4つの避難壕の兵士が降伏を拒否したとき、手榴弾で死亡した。36名の一行のうち、7人が囚人として捕縛され、3人は殺され、7人が負傷し、3人が行方不明となった。2月12日に、約70人のドイツ軍兵士が9番、10番の哨戒陣地の間の地域に侵入して、報復してきたが、そのときは7人のドイツ軍囚人を捕縛した。 >Five dead Germans were found between the posts but machine-gun fire prevented no man's land being searched. The British operations at the end of the Battle of the Ancre in November 1916, had captured German positions on Beaumont Hamel spur and the village of Beaucourt, before the weather stopped operations. In the early hours of 10 January, a battalion of the 7th Division attacked "The Triangle" and the trenches either side, including Muck Trench about 1,000 yards (910 m) east of Beaumont Hamel. ⇒哨戒陣地と哨戒陣地の間で5人のドイツ軍死亡兵が見つかったが、機関銃砲火のために中間地帯の捜索が妨害された。1916年11月「アンクルの戦い」の最終戦での英国軍の作戦行動は、悪天候で活動を止められるまでに、ボーモント・ハーメル山脚とボーモント村のドイツ軍陣地を占領した。1月10日の早い時間帯に、第7師団の1個大隊が「三角形(塹壕)」、およびボーモント・ハーメルの約1,000ヤード(910m)東にある「ムック塹壕」を含む、両側の塹壕を攻撃した。




