I: Do you have any advice for musicians who are getting into doing music on a Mac?
B: Ah, yeah, definitely. I get asked a lot if you ask what sort of gear is cool,
!: Uhuh.
B: to start out with. And every time when I tell them, "Get yourself obviously a Mac, and get yourself a copy of reason, and a USB keyboard. Go to town. You can start making songs, in reason, you know." I think it is a great place to start, for people.
And my biggest advice there, more than anything really, is to study and know people that are interested in music should find, find out what happened before them. Do you know what I mean?
So my big advice is to study, go learn something about music that you are not interested in making. You know now help with the process in music you are interested in making. I really believe that so
I: ???different types of music reading up on
B: If you want to be a rock band, you study jazz. It will help with your wrte-in. It just will, you know?
If you want to be a classical musician, you know, learn something abut 20th century guys like John Kagel (?) influence, you know. You end up liking and playing. Just good, and seek, seek outside the sphere of what you might be interested in doing. It teaches more about the craft, I think.
I: Do you believe anybody can make music on a Mac?
B: Yeah, I do, I do actually and I think that's really a good thing and you can make a film on a Mac too. Ah and I think it keeps everyone that is professional on their toes and I think it also, um also it substantiates new techniques that people treating these sort of tools with kind of reverence won't come up with. People who are around fifteen who are in the bedroom messing around with a Mac with video cameras like what you guys got are likely to come up with a million times more interesting than anything you know, any traditional filmmaker will come up with.
In proliferation of more things like that over the next couple of years and I think it is so exciting.
I think it is really cool.
I: マックで音楽をやろうと言うミュージシャンたちに何かアドバイスがありますか。
B: ありますよ。初めどう言う物を揃えるのが恰好いいかなんてしょっちゅう聞かれるんだけど
I: はい
B: いつも「ま、当たり前の話だけどまずマック、リーズンのコピー、それにUSBのキーボードを揃え、どんどんやれ、歌を作り始めろ、ま何でもって訳には行かないにしろ」と言ってます。誰にでも手始めになると思う。
I: ???いろんな音楽を調べろってことですか?
B: ロックバンドに入りたければ、ジャズの勉強をする。そうすれば滑り出しがうまく行く。本当にそうなんだ。
I: 誰でもマックで作曲できると思いますか
B: ええ、そう思う。これはとてもいいと思う。マックで映画も作れるよ。お陰でプロは緊張気味だね。こう言う道具を一種の崇敬の念で見る連中には思いもつかないような、新しいテクニークが産まれると思う。