• 締切済み


1家族が増えるにつれて、だんだん家が狭くなってきた 2この家は住み心地がいい 3口に物を入れたまま喋るのは行儀が悪い 4今度のパーティーにはどんな服装で行ったらいいでしょうか 5俳句を外国語に翻訳するのは難しい 6太田氏は浮世絵の膨大なコレクションを所有している 7私はこの本を10冊出版社に注文した 8君の姉さんは歌も歌えて、ピアノも弾けるんだね 9父は骨董品には目が利くと自分では言っている 10母は最近俳句を作りはじめた 11東洋と西洋の文化には明確な違いがあると思いませんか?


  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

1. The more family members we had, the smaller our house became. 2. This house is comfortable to live in. 3. It is bad manners to speak with your mouth full. 4. I wonder what kind of clothes I should wear to the next party. 5. It is difficult to translate a haiku into a foreign language. 6. Mr. Ota has a huge collection of Ukiyoe. 7. I ordered ten copies of this book from the publishing company. 8. Your elder sister can both sing a song and play the piano, can't she? 9. My father himself says that he has a good eye for curios. 10. My mother began to write haikus recently. 11. Don't you think there is a clear difference between Eastern culture and Western culture?

