The Dark Glassesからの英文です。
He pulled a sheet of blotting paper towards him. He dipped his pen in the ink and started writing on the bottom of the sheet of paper before him, comparing it from time to time with the one he had taken out of the safe. I was not surprised, but I was thrilled, when the door behind him slowly opened. It was like seeing the film of the book. Dorothy advanced on her creeping feet, and he did not hear, but formed the words he was writing, on and on. The rain pelted down regardless. She was looking crookedly, through her green glasses with her one eye, over his shoulder at the paper.
Muriel SparkのThe Dark Glassesからの英文です。
he=検眼士です。 Dorothyは検眼士の姉です。
●It was like seeing the film of the book.のthe film of the bookのところがわかりません。
"本の映像"ですか? the bookと定冠詞がついているのも気になります。ここでa bookとしていないのはなぜなのでしょうか?
●She was looking crookedly, through her green glasses with her one eye, over his shoulder at the paper.について、この英文はShe was looking at the paperという繋がりになるのでしょうか?
Then he took up the pen. I can still smell the rain and hear it thundering about me, and feel it dripping on my head from the bough hanging above me. He raised his eyes and looked out at the rain. It seemed his eyes rested on me, at my station between the tree and the window. I kept still and close to the tree like a hunted piece of nature, willing myself to be the colour of bark and leaves and rain. Then I realized how much more clearly I could see him than he me, for it was growing dark.
こんなにも詳細に調べていただき、ありがとうございます。 仰った通り、「ジャン・クリストフ」です。クリストフの生きた時代は、普仏戦争から第一次世界大戦前夜までで、ロマン・ロランの執筆時期も今からおよそ百年前。ですが、当時の社会情勢、民族間の軋轢、音楽界と文壇の人間模様や雰囲気、人間心理への鋭い描写と批評は、色褪せるどころか、百年後の今だからこそ、いっそう煌々と輝いているように思いました。 音楽にも絵画にも疎いわたしですが、お薦めです。 本に書かれた音楽についても何か分からないことがあったら、またお知恵を拝借したいと思います。 本当にありがとうございました。