• 締切済み


英訳お願いします 1先週私は風邪で熱が出て、3日間学校を休んだ 2川田君はサッカーの試合でけがをして、今を入院中です 3風は万病のもとです。日ごとに寒くなっていますから、風邪をひかないように気をつけてください 4ゆうべ夜ふかしをしたので、今朝は食欲がなく、何も食べる気がしない 5私は花粉症で、春はマスクなしでは外出できません 6年に1度は歯医者さんに歯の検査をしてもらい虫歯を防ごう 7彼は働きすぎて体をこわした 8祖母は耳が遠い 9私は医者の勧めで先月からタバコをやめました 10姉は就職してから体重が2キロ減ったと言っている 11直美さんは病気が治って、退院しました 12どうも風邪を引いたようで、のどが痛い 13私は歯医者さんに虫歯を抜いてもらった


  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

1. I had a cold with a high fever last week. I could not go to school for three days. 2. Mr. Kawada is in the hospital. He got injured while playing soccer. 3. A cold often leads to all kinds of diseases. It's getting colder, so please try not to catch a cold but take a good care of yourself. 4. I went to bed very late last night so I have little appetite this morning. I don't want to eat anything. 5. I'm allergic to pollens. I cannot go out without wearing a mask in spring. 6. Have a tooth examination once a year at your dentist and prevent bad teeth. 7. He worked so hard that he broke his body. 8. My grandma is hard of hearing. 9. My doctor recommended me to quit smoking and so I did last month. 10. My sister has lost 2 kilograms of her weight since she got the job. 11. Naomi was cured of her disease, and left her hospital. 12. Maybe I have a cold. I have a sore throat. 13. I had my bad tooth pulled at the dentist's. 以上でいかがでしょうか。



遅くなりましたすみません  ありがとうございました!
