• ベストアンサー

学校交流 あいさつについて

修学旅行でカナダの学校と学校交流をします。 そこで、最初の生徒代表としてあいさつをしなければならなくなりました。 どんな内容を言えばいいのか、教えてください。 また良ければ、その英訳も教えてくれるとうれしいです。


  • ベストアンサー
  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

First, you say your name clearly, and tell them that you represent your school (so you also tell them your school name.) Next, you should tell them about your group. How many of you are there and how long you are going to stay in Canada and how many teachers are with you. You also tell them what part of Japan you are from like you are from Tokyo or Osaka or Sapporo. Tell them about your city. I think you should tell them the purpose of your visit to their school as well as Canada. Why you are in Canada, and what you are doing. If you have something that you expect to do or see, you can go ahead telling these things. You can conclude your speech by saying you are looking forward to communicate with students in the school you visit. Good luck.
