• 締切済み


馬淵澄夫・元首相補佐官が断言 安倍首相がプレゼンした凍土による汚染水対策は不適切だ IOC(国際オリンピック委員会)総会でのプレゼンに臨む直前の9月3日、安倍晋三首相は汚染水漏れの抜本的対策に470億円の国費投入を決めた。しかし、その抜本対策の柱である「凍土方式」は、原発事故直後に却下された不適切な工法であった──こう断言するのは、3・11当時、首相補佐官として原発事故対応の陣頭指揮を取った馬淵澄夫・元国土交通相だ。(”週刊金曜日”Mail-news 27/9/2013)



Former Special Adviser to PM, Sumio Mabuchi insists ground freezing as presented by PM Abe is not adequate to control contaminated water at Fukusima. On September 3 just before his planned presentation at the IOC general meeting, PM Shinzo Abe decided to allocate ¥47 billion out of the national coffers to best control the contaminated water. However, “ground freezing” , which is the mainstay of the actions to be taken, was once ruled out as not suitable just after the nuclear accident – asserts former minister Mabuchi, who was in the commander chair tackling with the nuclear accident as Special Adviser to the prime minister when it happened on March 11.



Thank you so much!

  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

Former assistant to the Prime Minister, Sumio Mabuchi's assertion: Prime Minister Abe's statement on the project of constructing a frozen soil wall in Fukushima was not adequate. Before he made a presentation at the International Olympic Committe Meeting on September 3, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe decided to put 47 billion yen from our national budget into this project. However, the project of constructing a frozen soil wall was once turned down after March 11, 2011 because it was "inappropriate construction". Former Transportation Minister, Sumio Mabuchi, who served as a director on the Fukushima nuclear accident after Mary 11th said this. 以上でいかがでしょうか?



Thank you so much!