• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:長文の翻訳至急お願いします><)


  • 翻訳の助けをお願いします!途中までやっていたけど限界です。
  • 私はイタリア料理が好きで、特にピッツァが大好きです。本場の味を味わいたくて、イタリアに行きたいです。
  • イタリアのサンタ・マリア・デッレ・グラツィエ教会とドメニコ会修道院に行きたいです。特にレオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチの最後の晩餐を見たいです。


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)

Why do you want to go to Italy? I like Italian food, especially pizza, so I want to try the real thing. So? Anything else? I want to go to La chiesa di Santa Maria delle Grazie and the Dominican convent. What is that? Needless to say to see the last supper by Da Vinci and its church. From 1495 to 1497 he painted it in the dining hall adjacent to the church. It is a superb depiction of the scene immediately after Christ said there would be a traitor among the twelve deciples. So I want to see the original. You must like the Last Supper. I, too, am getting interested. Do you want to visit any place? I want to go to Korea. Why do you want to go there? I like Korean food and I want to try it there. What is your favorite? 삼겹살. I like meat and I eat samgyeopsal often and I am real curiouis to try it there because I have never tried real Korean version. By the way what is samgyeopsal? Grilled beef, to put it simply. Souds tasty, I want to try too. Anything else? Because things are cheap in Korea I want to enjoy some shopping, especially lots of clothes. Sounds good. I want to go to Italy soon. Hope we both can go, bye, see you tomorrow. A Domani (イタリア語でまた明日)



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