「今朝、自転車で会社に来るとき田んぼの畦を見ると土筆がいっぱい出ていました、野辺の花も可愛く咲いていて本格的な春ですね! 自転車通勤も重武装しなくて良くなりました。」
This morning I was riding my bike and saw a lot of horsetails, first pencil-like grasses coming out in spring fields, along my way to office. Now I know spring has come with tiny flowers all over the fields. And there is another good news! Now, you don't have to wear so heavily on your bike because the north wind is on vacation.
Walking a narrow footpath, I greet every TSUKUSHI waving their hands.
sayshe様 早速のご回答ありがとうございます。 小生60を過ぎ英語に何とか勤しみたいと思っておりますがなかなか難しくこのご回答参考にして頑張りたいと思っております。 有り難うございました。