• ベストアンサー


ハワイなんてどこででも日本語が通じると思っていたけど、思ったより日本語が通用しなかった。 前回行ったのは、7年前。その時は英語が全然話せなかった.でも,今回は前回に比べて英語が分かったので 「英語が分かるってやっぱ便利だ」と実感した。 I thought I can get though Japanese language everywehere in Hawaii. However people don\'t understand that than I think. I went to Hawaii 7 years ago, At that time I couldn\'t speak English at all. This time I was able to understand English more than before. I realize that it\'s very convinent to be able to speak English. I had thought Japanese would be always available everywehere in Hawaii. But I unexpectedlly had difficulties. The last time I went was 7 years ago. At that time I couldn\'t make myself understood in English at all, but this time could get to communicate in English, so I realized it\'s very useful to be able to speak English. わたし達がロスから帰った次の日から、ロスは雨が続いているらしい。滞在中に雨が降らなくて良かった。 I hear that it is been raining in LA since the next day we returned from there. I am happy that it didn\'t rain during our stay


  • ベストアンサー

Gです。  では私なりに書かせてくださいね。 ハワイなんてどこででも日本語が通じると思っていたけど、 I thought I can get though Japanese language everywehere in Hawaii. getを使うなら、get by withと言う言い方をして、I thought I could get by with Japanese language anywhere in Hawaii. canは時制の一致がここでは必要となりますので、couldにかわりますね. >I had thought Japanese would be always available everywehere in Hawaii. 普通の文章では、過去完了を必要としませんね。 availabeは「ある」と言う事なので、Japaense interpretersがどこにでもいる、というのであれば使えますが、ここは日本語、と言うので、avaiableを使わずに、usableを使って、I though Japanese would be always usable anywhere in hawaii. >思ったより日本語が通用しなかった。 However people don\'t understand that than I think. ここでthanが使われていますので、これを使うと、However, people there understood less than I thought >But I unexpectedlly had difficulties. 私はこの方が好きですね. フィーリングが出ています. 7念前に言った事があると言う事ですから、私はこう書くのではないかという例文を書かせてもらいますね. Even thought this trip was the second time I went to Hawaii, I still thought Japanese could be used anywhere. Well, I was wrong! well, I was wrong.のかわりに、Well, not aa many people as I was hoping were actually able to understand my Japanese.と変えることも出来ますね. >前回行ったのは、7年前。その時は英語が全然話せなかった. I went to Hawaii 7 years ago, At that time I couldn\'t speak English at all. The last time I went was 7 years ago. At that time I couldn\'t make myself understood in English at all, この二つをくっつけて、The last time I went there was 7 years ago and I could not speak English at all. では私なりの文章です. It was 7 years when I was there last time. At that time I simply did not know how to use English at all. >でも,今回は前回に比べて英語が分かったので 「英語が分かるってやっぱ便利だ」と実感した。 This time I was able to understand English more than before. I realize that it\'s very convinent to be able to speak English. 問題ないですね. >but this time could get to communicate in English, so I realized it\'s very useful to be able to speak English. this time I couldとIを入れてください. 後は問題ないですね. では私なりの文章です. But guess what! I was able to understand far better than the last time. And I now know how usuful and enjoyable to learn and know English. >わたし達がロスから帰った次の日から、ロスは雨が続いているらしい。滞在中に雨が降らなくて良かった。 I hear that it is been raining in LA since the next day we returned from there. I am happy that it didn\'t rain during our stay it is beenをit has beenに変えてくださいね. the next day we returned from thereでも分からない事はないですが、the day after we left there の方が分かり易いですね. 日本についた日の次の日、と言うのであれば、the day after we returned from there. では私なりの文章です. I hear LA has been having rain since the day after we left there. We had no rain when we were there! How lucky we were!! これでいかがでしょうか。 分かりにくい点がありましたら、また、補足質問してください。



わあ! q(^0^)p 本当にいつもありがとうございます! 文字化けしている、読みづらい長文の訳の添削を、ひとつひとつ丁寧にみてくれるなんて、Gさんはなんて素晴らしい人なんでしょう! わたしの文をしっかり添削してくれて、尚且つ、模範解答を書いてくれる先生って、少ないんですよね。 だから、自分の文がどこが間違っているのか、よくわからない場合が多いのですが、 G先生の回答はすごーく勉強になります。また教えて下さい~(*^^)v

その他の回答 (1)

  • kingyoUK
  • ベストアンサー率40% (4/10)

多少意訳の部分もありますが自然に聞こえるようにしました。良ければご参照ください。 Before getting to Hawaii, I thought everybody would understand Japanese there, but not as many poeple as I expected could. The last time I went there was 7 years ago and I could not speak a word in English. But this time I managed to understand English better. I feel that it is very useful to speak English. Since the following day we had left L.A., it has been raining. I am glad it didn't while we were there.



kingyoUKさん!こちらにも来て頂いたのですね!2度の書き込み、本当にありがとうございます。 なるほど、達人が英文にすると、こんな風になるのですね。 すばらしい! but not as many poeple as I expected could. という言い方は、思いつきませんでした。 長文の訳の回答に、貴重なお時間を割いて頂いて、有難うございました!