• 締切済み


現在は日本国債に対する市場の信認は維持されており、長期国債利回りの低位安定が続いているが、自然災害からの復興途上だからといって市場が待ってくれる保証はない。財政健全化への取り組みも待ったなしの課題である。健全化のための処方箋はこれまでの議論で既に誰の目にも明確となっている。すなわち歳入面では消費税を大幅に引き上げる一方、歳出面では年金給付年齢の引き上げなどにより社会保障給付を思い切って抑制することが必要だ。このような財政健全化策についても、震災復興のための財政措置と同様に、速やかに政党間の合意が得られることを望みたい。そうでなければ、早晩国債に対する信認が失われ、長期金利の急騰とそれに伴う債務問題の累積的悪化、新たな金融危機の勃発という「第2の国難」が日本を襲うことになりかねない。東日本大震災と原発事故という戦後最大の危機時に、統治能力に欠ける内閣が政権の座にあることは、日本国民にとって誠に不幸というほかはない。それだけに、今こそ個々の政治家が国民の生活と利益を守るという政治の原点に立ち返り、党派を超えて賢明な政治的意志を示すことを心から切望する。 英訳してもらえると助かります。


  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

#2.です。また訂正です。以下の様に変えたいと思います。失礼しました。 The confidence of the market for Japanese government bonds is maintained, and the stability of the long-term national bond yield continues. However, there is not a guarantee that the market waits for Japan because Japan is going to revive from natural disaster. Working on fiscal consolidation is a very urgent issue. The prescription for fiscal consolidation has already been clearly shown to anyone who knows the past argument. In other words, it is necessary to control a welfare benefit by raising pension benefit age decisively regarding the annual expenditure as well as by raising the consumption tax regarding the annual revenue. It is desirable for both political parties to agree immediately to such a fiscal consolidation plan as well as to financial measures to revive from an earthquake disaster. Otherwise the confidence for Japanese government bonds is lost in due course, and the sudden rise of the long-term interest rate and the cumulative worsening of the debt issue will occur, and then another financial crisis, which we should call "the second national crisis", is going to hit Japan. When Japan is facing the postwar largest crisis called East Japan great earthquake disaster and the nuclear plant accident, the Japanese people are really unhappy because a cabinet without the ability to rule the country is in charge of the government. I think that an individual politician should come back to the origin of the politics which protect the lives and the profit of its people and that he or she should show wise political will regardless of ideological differences of political parties. *** nogarin さんの質問に答え忘れていました。私は男性です。オジサンです。それから、#2.の<参考URL>でも示したように、翻訳機も利用しています。このレベルの英訳は私には大変です。その他「英辞郎」等も使って作っています。どうも#1.さんの回答は「Yahoo!翻訳」をそのまま貼り付けたようです。 翻訳機を悪く言う人もいますが、一発ですっきりした翻訳は不可能ですし、おそらく、私の様に修正しても不自然さは残ると思いますが、無料であそこまで仕事をこなしてくれれば私としては大助かりです。

  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

The confidence of the market for Japanese government bonds is maintained, and the stability of the long-term national bond yield continues. However, there is not a guarantee that the market waits for Japan because Japan is going to revive from natural disaster. An action to fiscal consolidation is a very urgent problem. The prescription for fiscal consolidation have become already clear to anyone who knows the past argument. In other words, it is necessary to control a welfare benefit by raising pension benefit age decisively regarding the annual expenditure as well as by raising the consumption tax regarding the annual revenue. About such a fiscal consolidation plan, it is desirable to agree immediately between political parties as they agree to financial measures to revive from an earthquake disaster. Otherwise the confidence for Japanese government bonds is lost in due course, and the sudden rise of the long-term interest rate and the cumulative worsening of the debt issue will occur, and then another financial crisis, which we should call "the second national crisis", is going to hit Japan. At the time of the postwar largest crisis called East Japan great earthquake disaster and the nuclear plant accident, it is really unhappy for the Japanese people that a cabinet without the ability to rule the country is in charge of the government. I request eagerly that an individual politician should come back to the origin of the politics which protect the lives and the profit of its people and that he or she should show wise political will regardless of ideological differences of political parties.

  • maki2975
  • ベストアンサー率49% (30/61)

The confidence of the market for Japanese government bonds is maintained, and the low degree stability of the long-term national bond yield continues, but there is not the guarantee that a market waits for yet in a revival road from natural disaster now. An action to fiscal consolidation is a very urgent problem. The prescription for becoming it is a past argument, and fitness has become already clear to anyone. In other words, it is necessary on the annual expenditure side to restrain a welfare benefit by increases of the pension benefit age decisively while it largely raises a consumption tax on the annual revenue side. About such the fiscal consolidation plan, I want to wish the agreement between political parties is provided immediately like financial measures for earthquake disaster revival. Otherwise the confidence for government bonds is lost in due course, and the sudden rise of the long-term interest rate and the cumulative aggravation of the debt issue with it, "the second national crisis" called the outbreak of a new financial crisis may be going to attack Japan. At the time of the postwar largest crisis called East Japan great earthquake disaster and the nuclear plant accident, it cannot help being really unhappy for a Japanese citizen that there is a cabinet lacking ability for rule in the seat of the government. I am brought back to the origin of the politics that an individual politician follows life and the profit of the nation now and desire all the more that I show wise political will across a political party earnestly heartily.

